Fighting Spirit Chapter 1 A young man stumbled as he walked past the Hikawa shrine. He managed to catch himself before he fell. Rei watched as the person put one of his hands on a building's wall and the other on his forehead. Rei made a decision and went to the young man. "Do you need some help?" Rei asked. The young man looked up at her and sighed, "I'm just tired, that's all. If you'll pardon me, I have a long way to go." Rei watched as the boy staggered away from her. She quickly ran after him and grabbed his arm. Rei firmly stated, "No, you are not. You need rest. My grandfather runs the Hikawa shrine over there. You can rest for a bit there." The young man looked about ready to protest, but seeing the look in Rei's eyes stopped him. "Thank you," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. Rei, still holding onto his arm, dragged him to the shrine. She looked at the young man, and noticed how ragged his clothes were. *I wonder what his problem is,* Rei thought to herself, and then said, "I am Rei Hino of the Hikawa Shrine." "I am Fu...," the young man started to say. He shook his head and continued, "My name is Gai Ichishino." *First star of chaos?? He was about to say something else. There's something about him that's familiar, though,* Rei thought as they ascended the steps to the shrine. "Do you have anyone we could contact to pick you up?" Gai closed his eyes. Rei could see the grief in his face as he said, "No. My parents are gone and any other family I may have, I have no idea on how to contact them." Rei nodded, but could swear he heard Gai whisper, "Lucky for them, I can't. I'm not safe to be around." Entering the shrine proper, Rei's grandfather noticed that Rei had brought someone in. "Who's this Rei? A boyfriend?" "No, grandfather. I saw that Gai, here, needed a bit of time to rest and offered him the sanctuary of the shrine." The elder Hino looked at Gai and saw that Rei was right. He needed time to rest. He motioned for Gai to follow him. When he was sure that Gai was complying with his wishes and they were out of Rei's hearing. "Judging by your looks, you've had a rough time, Sho Fukamachi," Grandpa Hino stated. Gai gasped as he stared at the elderly priest, "Please, keep that information to yourself. It is dangerous if anybody found out that you had met me. My father and closest friends were killed over being associated with me." The elder Hino stared at the young man, feeling the truth of his words. "I'm sorry. If you wish to talk about it..." Sho thought about it for a second before responding, "Thanks for the offer, but I don't think you would believe me if I told you what I had been through or gained knowledge of." The two men walk in silence for a bit. Curious, Sho broke the silence. "How did you know who I was?" Grandpa Hino gave Sho a strange look before answering, "Your picture was in the paper after you disappeared. It was ran when your father was killed in that train wreck." *They killed a train of innocent people, just so they could use my father against me,* Sho thought miserably, *I know I destroyed their leaders, but there are still some of them left.* Hino-san noticed the dark mood that Sho was in and inwardly gasped, *He said that his father was killed by being associated with him. Whoever is chasing him, they don't believe in the concept of restraint.* "Gai?" Hino-san said, "I understand now, why you want your identity kept secret. I won't say a word about who you are." Sho looked at the priest, nodded his gratitude and said, "Thank you, sir. Don't worry. I intend to leave as soon as I wake up tomorrow." The elder Hino's eyes focused on Gai. Gai sighed and continued, "I only came with your granddaughter to avoid suspicion. My immediate leave-taking tomorrow, will also avoid suspicion being cast on this place." "Here's your room," Hino-san said, and then thought, *I wish there was someway you could stay here. You need someone to talk to.* Gai went into the room that the elder Hino had brought him to. He looked back and saw the priest shutting the door, to allow him some privacy. Pulling a picture out of his pocket, Gai stared at it. *Mizuki. I'm sorry I walked away from you after Valcia's death, but I thought that was the best way to protect you. Everyone I have came in contact with is gone. You, father, the school, Guyver III, even most of Cronos is gone. Soon I'll be all that's left. Please forgive me.* With those thoughts, Sho Fukamachi a.k.a. Gai Ichishino fell asleep with tears in his eyes. --- "Sho. Sho? Wait! You're Sho! Don't leave, please! Sho, please! SHOOOOOOO!!!!!!" Gai quickly sat up, waking himself up. He was covered in a cold sweat and trembling. He rubbed his eyes with his hand. "That dream again. How many times will I have to relive that?" Gai asked himself. Maybe I should just sneak away, now. It wouldn't be the first time." Gai's musings were interrupted by a scream coming from outside. Throwing caution aside, Gai raced out of his room heading, towards the sound. Gai was joined by Hino-san on his mad dash. "You heard it too?" asked Hino-san. "It came from outside." The two men rushed outside the shrine and saw a strange creature. The creature had a female form. Its hair and body were white with gold specks of light blinking on and off. A black star shaped mark was on its left forearm. The two men had differing thoughts on what the thing was. *Oh great, a new type of Zoanoid.* *A daimon attacking here again?* Gai grabbed up a fallen branch and thought, *Maybe I can kill this without summoning it. This looks like a weak Zoanoid.* Gai charged the creature and hit it with the branch a couple of times, getting its attention. The creature turned towards Gai and launched a beam of energy at him from the star shaped mark. "Starburn. Starburn," the creature said. Gai was forced to his knees by the bolt that impaled him. He grunted as he used the branch as a lever to get back up. Starburn was surprised that Gai was able to withstand her beam and was taken off guard when Gai slammed the branch on top of her head with enough force to break the branch in two. Starburn reeled under the impact and staggered away from Gai. Raising her fists, Starburn shot a beam of golden fire at Gai. The fire was stopped by a wall of ice that had just appeared. "Huh?" Gai blurted out, as he looked to see who had helped him. Standing a bit away was Sailor Mercury and the other Sailor Senshi. Sailor Moon went into one of her speeches. "For attacking innocent women and waking others up from sleep with really nice dreams of guys. I am the beautiful suited solider. Warrior of love, justice, and nice dreams. I'm Sailor Moon. On behalf of the moon, I shall punish you." Starburn was taken aback by the little speech. Gai seeing that Starburn was distracted, rushed in and slammed the branch into Starburn's eye. The Sailor Senshi were surprised that Gai had attacked a daimon with nothing more than a stick. As Gai impaled the daimon, a slight glow came from Starburn. Starburn gave out a scream and dispersed, leaving only a small seed behind. The seed broke apart and let forth a plume of smoke. Gai gazed at the seed and realized that it wasn't a Zoanoid. Ignoring the Senshi, he turned to the girl who was attacked. "Are you okay, miss?" Gai asked. "Yes. Thanks to you. Are you Tuxedo Mask?" the girl said. "Who? I never heard of that person. Oh well, I'm glad you're all right," Gai responded. Gai turned to the five girls who were still standing there shocked. Gai shook his head and said, "Thank you for the help. Hino-san, I'll be back later to get my stuff. I'm going to escort this person home." Hino-san nodded. The Sailor Senshi, still dazed, watched as Gai walked away. They quickly left the scene and wondered how Gai managed to defeat a daimon. "Mercury," Sailor Moon asked, "How did he hurt the daimon?" "I don't know. He shouldn't have been able to. At least, not with a stick." Sailor Mars said, "We'll figure it out tomorrow at the meeting. I think we'd better get back to bed." The others nodded and headed their separate ways. Mars kept trying to think of ways to keep Gai around. She returned to the shrine and sneaked into her room. *I'll ask the sacred fire about him, tomorrow morning,* Rei thought to herself as she fell back asleep. --------- Standing some distance away from shrine a woman, wearing a purple dress, tried to make sense of something. *What happened? Starburn was defeated way too fast. Tuxedo Mask, Sailor Neptune and Uranus didn't have time to show up. If my sight hadn't been clouded, I could have figured out what went wrong,* Setsuna Meiou thought to herself. She shook her head and left, *Hopefully it was a one-time occurrence. But, I'd better make plans in case it happens again." ----------------- Gai returned to the Hikawa Shrine an hour after he had left. He managed to convince the girl, he was not Tuxedo Kamen. Shaking his head, he started thinking. *Well, I want to know what's going on. I'll stay just one more day to find out what that thing was and who those cheerleaders were. After that, I had better get out of here.* Chuckling softly at the expressions he saw on those girls faces, he thought, *I wonder what they were so surprised about? They gave me a perfect chance to take that thing by surprise.* Gai nodded to Hino-san as he re-entered the shrine. He did notice that Hino-san was studying him intently. *In the morning, I'll ask him about those girls and that thing. I better get some more sleep. It's going to be interesting tomorrow.* ----------------------------- === File Separator ============================================== Chapter 2 Morning sunlight streamed through the window of Gai's room. The glare from outside awoke Gai. Gai pulled out the photo of Mizuki again and stared at it. Sad memories welled up from within him as he gazed at the picture. Sighing softly, Gai put the picture away and went to look for Hino-san. Walking outside in search of Hino-san, Gai thought to himself, *After I satisfy my curiosity, I'm out of here. They don't need my problems.* The sound of a large fire coming from inside the shrine drew Gai's attention. Hoping to find the elderly priest, he walked towards the sound. Gai opened the door and saw Rei about ready to sit down. Gai asked, "Err. Pardon me. Where's your grandfather? There's some questions I'd like to ask him." Rei spun around and almost blushed. "Grandfather is around back. What do you want to see him for?" Gai shrugged and replied, "Well before I leave, I want to find out who those cheerleaders were that showed up yesterday. Well, thanks. I'll let you get back to your prayers." Gai exited the shrine and closed the door behind him. Rei wasn't sure what she should feel about the 'cheerleader' description. She sat down and started praying. She hoped that what she saw would give her a clue to Gai's real identity. "Oh sacred fire, tell me about the one who calls himself Gai Ichishino. Who is he?" The sacred fire flared up and an image formed in it. The image was a tire shaped object. In the center of the object was a silver sphere. Wrapped around the sphere were purple cables. The cables were held in place by three light blue plates. Suddenly the plates opened and the cables shot forth with the sphere remaining at the center. The image faded leaving Rei more confused than ever. *What was that, and what does it have to do with Gai?* Rei thought to herself, and realizing it was going to be more difficult than she thought on figuring out who Gai was. --- Gai walked around back of the shrine and saw Hino-san. He looked at the old priest, who seemed to be waiting for him. The old priest was sitting on a large rock that was being shaded by the branches of a tree. Exhaling heavily, Gai walked up to Hino-san. "Please excuse my ignorance Hino-san, but who were the cheerleaders that showed up yesterday?" Gai asked. Hino-san looked startled and said, "You don't know? No, of course you wouldn't. They are the Sailor Senshi warriors of love and justice." Gai rolled his eyes when he heard the appellation of the Sailor Senshi. "I take it, I can find out more about them in the papers then?" Gai said and bowed his head in thought. "Yes. By the way _Gai_, how did you kill that daimon, last night?" Gai looked up and replied, "Daimon? Oh that thing. I stuck a stick in its eye." Looking confused, Gai continued, "Why are you asking me that? You saw what I did." Seemingly unnoticed by the two men, Rei had just snuck around to eavesdrop on them. "Yes, I did. Daimon's are based in magic. You should not have been able to hurt it." Gai shrugged and replied, "I have no idea." The elder Hino looked at Gai with one eye and asked, "Are you sure you have no idea?" Gai reached around back and scratched right beneath his shoulder blades, as he said, "Nothing that is _safe_, that I can think of." *So it has something to do with his enemies,* Hino-san thought to himself, catching the emphasis Gai had put on the word 'safe'. "I understand, Gai. I hope you'll stay for supper tonight." Gai nodded, "Thank you. I'll be leaving right afterwards." Gai walked back to his room. As he passed by Rei he nodded in her direction and continued on. Gai smirked at the idea that a schoolgirl like Rei would try and sneak up on him. He had lots of practice in both hiding and alertness. Running for his life tended to do that. --------------- Rei blushed in embarrassment at being caught at spying. The small snatch of conversation that she heard bothered her. Her grandfather knew something about Gai. Rei remained hidden as her grandfather passed her. She could here him muttering under his breath. "I've got to come up with something to keep him here. Maybe the Senshi can help him with his problem. As Hino-san moved on, Rei stepped out of her hiding space and gazed the way her grandfather went. *What is going on?* --- Later in the day the five Sailor Senshi and two moon cats were having their meeting. Everyone showed up on time, even Usagi. All of them wanted to know about Gai. Ami was busy typing on her computer. Luna asked, "Rei, did you find out anything about Gai?" Rei explained what she saw in the fire and the small snippet of conversation that she heard. She related how her grandfather was trying to come up with a way to keep him here. She tactfully omitted the fact that she had been caught eavesdropping on Gai. "Weird," Usagi said. "Ami, any ideas on how he was able to kill that daimon?" Luna asked. Ami looked up from her computer and replied, "No. I can't figure out how he accomplished that victory." "Judging by that conversation, he must know something about it," Artemis put in. "Yeah, but what?" Minako asked. Seven pairs of eyes gazed at each other in silence. Rei was the first to break the silence. "We're not going to figure anything out about him like this. We have to figure out where the daimon's will strike next," Rei said. "By the way, where's Chibi-usa?" Usagi replied, "She's with her new friend Hotaru." Makoto looked at Luna as a dark thought came to her, "Luna, could Gai be working with the daimons and that battle was staged?" Ami answered for Luna, "Not probable. Gai is trying to leave, but Rei's grandfather is going to try and prevent him." Makoto frowned and asked, "Well what do we do about him, then?" Ami shrugged as she responded, "Ignore him for the moment. Other than being able to kill daimons, how much damage can he cause?" The others nodded and they discussed the attitude of Sailor Uranus and Neptune. Once the meeting concluded, they went back to their homes. -- In the Hikawa shrine's kitchen, Hino-san was preparing a dinner for the four people at the shrine. He was thinking of a way to keep Gai at the shrine. He knew he was taking a chance, but he believed that Gai shouldn't be friendless. Hino-san sighed as he thought, *I know you want to leave here Gai or should I say Sho, but you need to talk to someone.* A thought occurred to him and he smiled at it. *That will force him to stay, and there I'm quite sure my granddaughter will also help me out without me having to prompt her.* The elder Hino whistled as he finished the dinner and set the table. Once everyone was sitting around the table and engaged in general conversation, he sprung his trap. "By the way Gai, where do you go to school at?" Hino-san asked. Gai narrowed his eyes and replied, "I don't. My identity was destroyed in an _accident_. I can't go to school since I have no way to prove who I am." Rei, figuring out what her grandfather was doing, said, "Then how will you get a job or get married." An old ache formed in Gai's heart as he heard the word 'married'. He glanced away before anyone could see the tears in his eyes. "I won't," Gai stated. Not knowing what was going on, Yuuichirou said, "Without a job, how will you eat. You can't expect hand-out for the rest of your life." *Who says I want to live,* Gai thought. *Oh well. I'll give in now and do the vanishing act when they can't stop it.* Gai blinked the tears from his eyes and turned to face the others. "You win. If you can figure out _how_ I can attend school, I'll go." Hino-san frowned at his way to easy victory. He resolved to keep track of Gai as best as he could. Hino-san said, "Tomorrow we'll head over to the police station and explain everything." Gai nodded as he finished his meal. Once the rice ball was set on the table he got up and went to his room. Sitting on the bed he remembered when he was called Sho Fukamachi. ---------------------- "MIZUKI!! NO!!," Sho cried as he watched Mizuki turn into a thin winged version of Enzyme: Enzyme III The winged Zoanoid snapped one of her tendrils at Guyver I, trying to impale him. Sho dodged the tendril easily and looked at the horror that Mizuki had become. Sho was startled when he heard Mizuki's voice in his head. *Sho, free me from this nightmare. Please,* Mizuki pleaded. *FREE ME!* Screwing up his courage and preparing the pressure cannon, Sho felt like he was in Hell. He unleashed the ball of gravity at Enzyme III's heart. The shockwave created from the attack blew Enzyme III's head off. *Thank you, Sho. Help the world,* Mizuki's thought's came to him and slowly faded. "MIZUKI!!!!" The next few hours were a blur to Sho as his blue fists destroyed Zoanoid after Zoanoid. Later, he decided that the rage must have made him delirious as he recalled the vague fights with the Zoalords that his body was gold. -------------------------- Gai closed his eyes and wept silently, as he truly believed that he was cursed to walk the world alone. No friends and no one to love. *Cronos is broken, but I don't deserve to be happy. I killed my father and my girlfriend. I know what Hino-san is up to, but...* With those dark thought's Gai fell asleep. ---------------------------------------------------------- === File Separator ============================================== Chapter 3 After leaving the Hino residence, Usagi and the others were walking home. The two moon cats rested on the shoulders of their respective charges. Ami had her computer out and was going back over the readings on Gai, that she had managed to take. She gasped as the computer showed her some results. Hearing her gasp, Usagi glance at her friend. "Well, Ami. Have you figured out how Gai beat that creature?" Usagi asked, while the others listened carefully. "Somewhat. He has some sort of aura around him that disrupts the flow of certain types of magic. It weakened the daimon's defenses to a level that he could take it on." "That's great," Usagi declared cheerfully. "He'd be able to destroy the daimons without being in any danger." Ami shook her head and said, "No, Usagi. That's not how it works. The aura weakens the defensive, not the offensive." Usagi frowned, "What do you mean by that?" "The best example I can think of it this: Say there's a werewolf running around town. In town, there's a person who managed to wound it. That person owns a silver knife. The werewolf is still as dangerous to that person, because all the knife did was allow that person to wound the werewolf. That's how Gai's aura works on daimons. Gai also has to get within arm's reach for his aura to affect the daimon. It only extends a few feet around him," Ami said. "Is Gai's aura natural?" Makoto asked. Ami, Artemis, and Luna looked at each other for a second and then away. Ami finally answered, "That's something I'm unsure about. I have the feeling it's not and has something to do with those images Rei saw. How he got the aura is anyone's guess. It's not really important. His ability is a fascinating diversion from our mission against the Death Busters, but ultimately there's not much he can do to help us." The group became quiet. After a few minutes, the four girls went their separate ways home. Usagi, Ami, and the moon cats quickly put Gai out of their minds. Usagi was thinking about going to the park with her Mamo-chan. Ami and the moon cats thought about what the Death Busters would try next. Makoto thought about Gai and compared him to her old boyfriend. Minako, on the other hand, was having very different thoughts about Gai. *I've seen that look on Gai's face before. The look of someone who has lost almost everything that he cared about,* Minako thought to herself. *Usagi was the same way when Mamoru was captured by Beryl.* Artemis, noticing Minako's silence, asked, "What's up?" "Sorry, Artemis," Minako replied, while reaching up and scratched under his chin. "I was thinking about Gai." Artemis remained quiet for a second before stating, "A tragic warrior, isn't he?" Minako glanced at her cat and nodded, "How'd you guess?" The white cat stared off into space without answering Minako. The senshi of love shrugged and continued on her walk, not noticing her cat gazing at her. A few seconds later, Artemis shook his head and returned to the Aino residence. --------------------------------------------------------------------- "Eudial. Have you figured out what went wrong with your daimon?" Eudial replied, "It was a boy. Apparently he is surrounded by a field that disrupts our daimon's defenses." "So it wasn't the Sailor Senshi this time. Just that one in a million chance of a person with the proper bio-rhythms. Very well. This failure won't count against you." "Thank you, sir." Eudial left the room, where she reported to her leader. She was greeted by her sisters. Mimmete teased, "Talk about pathetic. Beaten by a boy with no real powers." "Lay off, Mimmete. It wasn't Eudial's fault this time," Tellu said. "This was just a freak accident that can be easily corrected with that kid's death. Which, I am already preparing a daimon to take care of him." Eudial asked, "Which daimon?" "Velocity. It is fast enough to do the job before the Sailor Senshi show up. That kid will cause us no more surprises." The other three sisters nodded in response to Tellu's statement. ----------------------------- Early in the morning, Gai and Hino-san were walking towards the police station. Gai was lost deep in thought as he walked along. The older male watched him closely, ready to grab him if he tried a vanishing act. Soon, they arrived at the station and entered. After telling the records keeper that Gai's identity was wiped out due to an explosion in his home town, Hino talked to the police chief about getting a new identity for Gai. The police chief looked at Hino and then at Gai. The chief grumbled a bit, filled out the forms, and shooed the pair out of the station. "That was quick," Gai commented. "I thought we would have more difficulty than that." Hino nodded and replied, "Yes, that was a bit easier than I expected. Well, I'll take you to the school you'll be attending." "All right," Gai grumbled. *Maybe I can start to put my life back together.* --------------- Nearby the Hino Shrine, Setsuna Meiou looked on with concern. *That daimon shouldn't have been used, yet. The Senshi are going to be out of position when it attacks. Hopefully, the residents will be able to hold off long enough for the Senshi to arrive* Sailor Pluto watched as Hino-san and Gai entered the shrine. -------- "Well, Gai. How do you feel about attending school again?" Hino-san asked. Snorting a bit, Gai replied, "I'll get back into the swing of things, easy enough. Before, I used to get the highest marks in my class." "Before what?" Hino asked. "Ah. Never mind." Whatever Gai was going to say was halted when part of the stone fence surrounding the shrine caved in. "Velocity," a thin, golden, female, humanoid said, as it rushed in. The gold daimon kicked up a bunch of dust as it raced between the two men. Attracted by the commotion, Yuuichirou stepped out of the shrine. "Hey what's going on?" He was knocked flat as Velocity ran past him. The gold creature turned and came back for another pass. The fingernails on its hands elongated and the radial jointed hands started spinning around. Gai saw that Velocity was going to shred Yuuichirou and ran forwards. "Leave him alone!" he shouted. *There's no choice this time. If they are to survive, I have to. Forgive me, Mizuki.* Velocity changed direction and headed right at Gai. Instead of ducking, Gai threw his arms wide. With eyes glowing blue, Gai yelled, "GUYVER!!" Velocity was stopped as she ran head on into a force field that surrounded Gai. For a brief second, the field pulsed blue. It then blew up, sending Velocity reeling. Safely inside the field, blue plates and purple cables wrapped themselves around Gai. The various objects snapped into place, forming a suit of blue armor. After the armor formed, heat was pushed through two vents near where the mouth would be. The eyes blazed red and the silver orb above the eyes flashed blue. Yuuichirou and Hino-san looked on in shock as the Guyver was reborn. Pointing at the creature, Guyver declared, "You have forced me to call my armor once more and endanger innocents. For this, I will never forgive you." A bit taken aback by the sudden transformation, Velocity rallied and rushed towards the Guyver. Bracing himself, Guyver managed to catch Velocity by her shoulders, without getting hit by the blades. Before the daimon had time to react, he threw the creature to one side. Before the golden daimon hit the ground, Guyver had cupped his hands together. In the cupped hands a sphere of blackness formed. As Velocity stood up, the sphere was launched at her. A cry of pain came from Velocity as her head was reduced to small chunks. "I think I'm going to be sick," Yuuichirou muttered. Mentally calling himself by his old identity, Sho Fukamachi watched as Velocity crumbled into a seed. After assuring himself that the creature was gone, he recalled his armor. He turned to Hino-san, who was watching him with awe. "_That_ is what they are after," Gai/Sho said. "It is best if you don't mention you ever saw the Guyver. It is a lot safer that way." Hino blinked and shook his head, "No. I won't agree to that until you explain what that armor was and who you are running from. Whether you like it or not, the two of us are now involved in your problems." Gai tilted his head down and clenched his fists, "Ergh. All right. But, you have to keep this to yourselves. The Cronos Corporation does not like having anyone know the truth about them." "Cronos? But... Oh boy, this is going to be a heck of a story," Hino-san said. Nodding, Gai replied, "That it is. And, it also deals with the origin of humanity." The three men headed into the shrine for more privacy than being out on the shrine grounds would allow. Nearby, Setsuna Meiou was standing in shock. *Where did that armor come from? I've never seen anything like it. Origin of humanity? Cronos? Until I know more, I'm going to have to keep a close eye on that boy.* Sailor Pluto rubbed her temples. *The power and age I sensed from that armor tells me, that it is a focal point like Sailor Moon is. Things just got difficult.* Shaking her head, Sailor Pluto sighed. *I'd better get over there, so that Sailor Moon will receive the chalice. I'll figure out what to do about this later.* -------------------------------------------- === File Separator ============================================== Chapter 04 Inside the Hino residence, Gai/Sho looked at the two men waiting for an explanation. Building his resolve, he closed his eyes and began to speak. "This armor I wear is very old. It was made by a race of aliens that came to Earth a very long time ago. It was a suit of space armor, allowing them to control their ships. They came to Earth to develop a weapon system." "And, they failed. Right?" Yuuichirou put in. Sho opened his eys and shook his head. "Wrong. They were very succesful. The weapon still exists to this day." "Riiiight. If this weapon exists, where is it?" the young shrine worker asked sarcastically. "It is the human race itself. The aliens, Advents, developed the human race as a self contained bio-weapon. The basic human can have his gene structure manipulated so that he can adopt a second, stronger battle form: The Zoanoid. The Cronos Corporation was trying to take over the world, and use the human race's potential in a war against some other planet. I don't know the exact details of that, so don't ask. They had infiltrated most positions of power and were ready to take over the planet in a one-day coup." Sho fell silent and looked towards the ground. With mouth hanging open in shock, Yuuichirou stared at Sho. His mind still went over what he just heard. Hino-san asked, "What happened and why did the aliens leave?" "Okay. The aliens left, because one of them beceme curious about how one of their armors would react to a human. The results were more than they could have imagined, and it frightened them. The Advents could not control a human wearing the armor. They called it: Guyver. Around 11 million years ago they left, leaving behind three of their armors in a dormant state. I wear one of them. The other two have been destroyed. I used the Guyver armor to stop Cronos from accomplising their goals. I don't know how I did it, my mind is somewhat blank in that area." The elderly preist examined Sho thoughtfully. "There's a bit more to the story than that, isn't there?" Sho sighed, knowing that the preist wouldn't give up. "I might as well tell you, it might convince you of the danger of knowing about the Guyver. My father and my girlfriend were captured by Cronos and turned into Zoanoids. They were mind-controlled and sent after me." Sho clenched his fist and banged it into a wall, with tears in his eyes. "I killed them. Cronos wouldn't let the mind contol up, and I was forced to kill them. I...I...." With tears openly streming down his face, Sho huddled up on the floor. The two men were shocked at how cold Cronos was and what Sho had to do. Hino-san looked at his young assitant. As their eyes met, they nodded and silently got Sho to his feet and guided him to his room. After they were certain their new friend was going to cry himself to sleep, they walked quietly away. When the two men returned to the first floor, Yuuichirou whispered, "I can't believe what I just heard." "I know what you mean. Still, Sho's story feels true. Or at least, he believes it's true. And I have the feeling, that what he told us is where we really came from." "Sho?" Hino-san sighed and replied, "Sho Fukamachi. I'm quite sure that even you heard about his disappearance. While we were all getting on with our daily lives, he was fighting to protect us. And, his only reward is total loneliness. Shaking his head at the pain and suffering, Hino-san said, "Yuuichirou, this conversation with Sho didn't happen. Only when the three of us are alone, will we talk about what we found out today." "I understand. So what are you going to do?" Hino-san replied, "Apparently, all he has left is his sense of duty to humanity. If he could become friends with the Sailor Senshi, his pain might be eased a bit. But to do that, he would have to. .." "Get into battles with the Senshi's enemies," a voice finished. The two men spun around and saw Sho, still a bit bleary eyed. Sho smiled a bit at the looks on the faces of the two men. Rubbing his eyes, Sho said, "Surprised? Don't be. I've gone through that so many times before, that I can usually recover in a couple of minutes." Yuuichirou stammered, "I-I'm sorry about your father and girlfriend." "Why? You had nothing to do with it. I killed the one who was responsible." "Matter of honor. Understandable action," Hino-san observed. "Er. Okay," Sho said while rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. "So, you want me to go back into being a hero full time?" "I didn't say that," Hino-san countered. He narrowed his eyes while looking at Sho. "You did quite an about face." Sho looked across the ground to where he fought the Daimon. "That second Daimon attack wasn't here by accident. It was hunting me. I have had it with being hunted. I'm fighting back. I still don't want you talking about the Guyver unit. Even though Cronos is gone, there still might be some Zoanoids bent of revenge. They probably won't attack me, but they will definetly attack you." Yuuichirou asked, "Why won't they attack you?" "I'm used to killing them in groups of twenty or more." Sho received two blank looks. Stroking his chin, he thought about what he had just said. "Yes, you heard right. I've killed monsters that are in groups of twenty or more. Or should I say humans, since that's what they were?" Yuuichirou replied, "This is insane. How many people have you killed?" Sho looked off into the distance. "I don't know. Proceesing tanks filled with newly formed Zoaforms, vast armies, bases. All destroyed. Death count is probably in the millions." Shaking his head, he contiued, "My choices were to either surrender or fight. If I gave in, the world would have been enslaved." Hino-san held up a hand to silence his shrine worker, and said, "Don't dwell on that. As you said, you didn't have much choice. Let's get back to the topic of the Sailor Senshi and the Daimons. How will you find them." "Oh, I have some ideas on that," Sho replied with a smirk and picked up a newspaper. "From what you've told me, those creatures will hunt for dedicated people. Such as the actor mentioned in this paper. He'll be at the park tomorrow." "Dedicated? I definitely heard them say 'pure'." "True. But, from the more famous ones attacked I've concluded that the people bothered by the Daimons are either obsessed or highly dedicated to a single goal. That is probably why that attack did not bother me, since I reallly don't have a goal or much of anything." *I'm not going to tell them yet that I've been killed or had major parts of my body blown away several times. If I had something like that inside of me, it is probably long gone.* Sho headed back towards his room. "I'm going to get some sleep. I have the feeling it will be a busy day tomorrow." --------------------- === File Separator ============================================== Chapter 05 As Gai headed downstairs, he heard a bit of an argument. "Why can't I go with you" a high pitched voice asked. Another voice answered, "You know why Chibi-usa. Maybe you should go to the park with your new friend Hotaru." *Not good,* Gai thought. *If I'm right, those creatures will be at the park as well. Oh well. I guess I'd better get used to public battles.* "Morning Hino-san. Everyone," Gai said as he stepped into the room. Gai noticed that along with Rei, there were four more girls about his age and a much younger girl in the shrine as well. He received a bunch of greetings. He started to get a mental twinge as his eyes passed over each of the five older girls. *I've seen them somewhere before. I just can't place it at the moment,* Gai shrugged and said, "I'm heading out. I'll be back later. When will the replacement rocks arrive for the fence?" Hino-san frowned. He had forgotten about the broken fence. "I'll make a call. They should be here a bit after lunch." Gai nodded. "I'll be back when they arrive and start fixing that fence." "Fine Gai. See you later," Hino-san said and directed a piercing look at Yuuichiro. The shrine worker noticed Hino-san's gaze and mentally nodded about keeping quiet. Rei, knowing her grandfather, saw the brief exchange and wondered what was going on. Before Gai left, he called out, "By the way Hino-san, do you know anyone teaching martial arts? I think I had better pick some training up." Minako and Makoto looked at each other and nodded. Minako stated, "I know some martial arts skills. If you don't mind learning from a girl, I could try and teach you." *Better than nothing I suppose. And Valcia knocked that particular delusion completely out of my head a long time ago,* Gai though. "I have no qualms about learning from a girl. Thanks for the offer. Um? When do we start and what's your name?" Minako smiled a bit and replied, "After you get back and fix the fence, we'll start. My name is Minako. Makoto here is also a fairly decent fighter as well." Gai studied the two girls and nodded. He turned away and waved over his shoulder as he left. Hino-san caught Yuuichiro's eye and jerked his head towards the exit to the shrine. The two men left the house towards the small temple. "Minako, what are you up to?" Rei demanded. Minako replied, "I'm keeping an eye on someone that might turn into an enemy. You know what they say a bird in the bush is worth two in the hand." The other girls looked at Minako in exasperation. "No other reason?" Rei asked. Minako sighed, knowing what Rei was getting at. *I can't compete with ghosts. And I have the feeling that's what's bothering him.* "No, Rei. No other reason. Besides, shouldn't we be looking for the Savior, right now?" Chibi-usa said, "I guess I can go see Hotaru and see if she wants to go to the park." Usagi nodded as she watched her future daughter leave. After she left, the Senshi discussed their plans for hunting for the person who is supposed to use the chalice to save the world. ------ In the shrine, Hino-san and Yuuichiro were talking. "Do not say anything about Gai's decision," Hino-san said. "You don't have to explain it," the shrine worker replied. "Well then, get to work." The slightly lecherous priest handed Yuuichiro a broom and went to check upon the sacred fire. -------- Smelling cherry blossoms as he walked through the tree saturated park, Gai felt a bit of unease. He noticed that the pink haired girl he had saw at the shrine was just up ahead with some other girl. *That must be Hotaru. I guess that she did decide to come to the park after all,* Gai thought as he scanned the area. *There. That's where they're filming. I'd better get over there.* He was aware that Chibi-usa and Hotaru were also heading in the direction of the movie crew. He found a place where he could observe and remain hidden at the same time. He sat down and waited. *I hope I am wrong about this.* After about an hour had passed, Gai's hope was dashed to pieces as what looked like a bright red cowgirl appeared. "Western," the Daimon called. "Western." *Is that all they can say, their names?* Gai thought. Standing up, he managed to catch Hotaru as she was tossed in his direction. The effort of catching the pale girl knocked Gai back to ground. "Are you all right?" Gai asked, as he stood back up. *She's heavier than she looks.* "That thing has Chibi-usa," Hotaru said, almost crying. *Nuts,* Gai thought as he looked back at Western. He saw that the Daimon had wrapped some sort of tendrils around Chibi-usa's leg and was holding her so she could line her gun up. Turning back to Hotaru, Gai asked quickly, "Can you keep a secret?" Hotaru nodded. "Good. Do not tell anyone of this. It is not for my protection, but for yours. Please move back a bit farther. You don't want to be nearby when this happens." Hotaru, bewildered, did as Gai asked. Finding a safe place, she watched. ------------- Mimmete smirked as she watched as the Inner Senshi were stumped about how to fight Western without hurting the child. "Just hand over the Chalice, Sailor Moon, and I'll let the girl go." Whatever response Sailor Moon would have made was cut off by the sound of an explosion behind her. The five Inner Senshi, the Daimon, Mimmete, and Tuxedo Mask looked to the sound of the explosion. The sight that greeted them caught them all off guard. It looked sort of like a humanoid, blue insect. Each step it took echoed loudly as it slowly approached. The creature stopped and glared at Mimmete. "The Sailor Senshi are not the only protectors of this planet. I am Guyver" With that, Guyver jumped in front of Western in a kneeling position. Standing up, Sho delivered a viscous uppercut to Western's chin. Everyone stared in shock as the Daimon's body was launched into the air by the force of the punch. Before the tendrils drug Chibi-usa into the sky, Guyver used his blades to slice them apart. Waiting for a second, he took a step forward and then sliced the descending form of Western in half. "That is that," Guyver said. He pointed at Mimmete. "You're next." Sho paid no attention to Sailor Moon rushing forward and retrieving the heart crystal that Western had stolen. His attention was on Mimmete. The Witch quickly grabbed a rocket launcher and fired it into a tree's base. She ran off laughing. "You can chase me or save those people. Take your pick." Not bothering to respond, Sho turned and used the sonic buster to turn the falling tree into toothpicks. The sensors on his head warned him of two incoming attacks. He jumped up as a ball of orange light and a glowing blue ball of water sped beneath him. Looking down, he spotted two more Sailor Senshi. *They think I'm a Daimon,* Sho thought with some amusement. *I'm not going to bother arguing.* Sho used the gravity control globe at his waist to continue his upward motion. After a bit, he hovered and then used the Guyver's teleportational capacities to drop him off near the Hikawa Shrine. *Too bad that requires almost all my concentration and really can't be used in combat,* Sho thought. *It would make fights a lot easier.* Seeing that no one was around, he dropped into the Hikawa Shrine's backyard and recalled his armor. Gai felt a bit of satisfaction at his recent fight. He was troubled that he had to let a young girl in on his secret. Biting his lip, Gai thought about Hotaru and what he spotted with the Guyver's enhanced senses. *That girl isn't human anymore. She's mostly machine. Oh look, rocks. I'd better fix the wall.* Gai hummed to himself as he put the rocks into position and placed cement between the stones. Since he was enjoying himself, the job was completed in about half an hour. Covered with sweat and dirt and itching slightly from the heat, Gai looked upon his work with a bit of pride. *It is so much better to create, than destroy. I guess I'm going to have to wait for Minako. Maybe I was a bit hasty in accepting her offer, but unofficial training would work best for me. No trail for anyone to follow.* -------------------- Back at the park, Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune found out what really happened by the Inner Senshi. They were a bit incredulous about something that looked like a monster helping people out. Sailor Pluto shook her head, as she watched from a distance. *I guess I don't have to worry anymore about him fouling up the timeline, he just did. But, will his interference be beneficial or malignant to the future of this planet?* The Senshi of Time watched as Chibi-usa led Hotaru away from the Senshi. She noticed that the cyborg girl kept glancing up at the sky and biting her lower lip. Setsuna Meiou mentally sighed. *I guess I should have expected that. I think a little talk between myself and Gai is in order.* Pluto nodded to the rest of the group and left for her apartment, changing back into civilian guise when no one was around. Uranus and Neptune still a bit skeptical about the Guyver, shook their heads and continued on their way to search for the savior. After assuring themselves no one was around, the Inner Senshi, transformed back and walked back to the Hikawa Shrine. Tuxedo Mask had already made himself scarce. "That thing was weird looking," Usagi commented. Makoto added, "I like that creature's style. It didn't mess around with the Daimon." Ami was looking at her computer and was trying to make sense of the readings she got from the Guyver. She winced as the computer display showed how much p.s.i. Guyver's punch produced to send Western flying into the air. Rei looked at Sailor Venus, who remained quiet throughout the conversation. "What's wrong, Minako? You have nothing to add?" Shaking her head, the Senshi of Love replied, "Something like that." Usagi said, "I don't see what Uranus and Neptune's problem with it is. If Guyver wants to help us out, he can. He'll make a great friend." Rei rolled her eyes and said, "Guyver also happens to be a monster, Usagi." Usagi countered. "If he was, he wouldn't have bothered to rescue those people. He also left instead of fighting Neptune and Uranus." Shaking her head in wonder, Minako hoped that her leader's instincts about this unexpected ally were right. Besides, she had an appointment to keep on teaching Gai martial arts. ------- Mimmete, shaking like a leaf, reported to the leader of the Death Busters. "What went wrong, Mimmete?" the Professor demanded. Swallowing hard, Mimmete answered, "Something powerful just appeared and is helping the Senshi. It dispatched the Daimon with ridiculous ease. It looked like a human bug and called itself Guyver." "Guyver? I have never heard of anything like what you are describing," Professor Tomoe said. "I'm going to want readings on this being. If it is as powerful as you say, it could probably be the person the Sailor Senshi are looking for." Mimmete gulped at the idea that she had encountered the savior and let him go. She hoped that the Professor was wrong about the Guyver. ------------------ === File Separator ============================================== Chapter 06 In the back yard of the Hino residence, Gai was drying his face with a towel. He took a look at the girl that was with him. "Thanks Minako for the lesson. It's good to learn some more. So what's your verdict?" Minako frowned a bit as she replied, "Your form seems more geared to taking on multiple opponents, rather than one on one." Gai shrugged. Minako shook her head and contiued, "I think we can learn from each other. And with Makoto, refine our various skills to minimize weakneses." "Fine," Gai replied. "See you tomorrow." Gai walked off leaving the girl behind. As he left, a white cat jumped out from under a bush. Artemis looked at his charge and said, "Seems like your Sailor V personality is back." Minako sighed and replied, "This was something that I needed to be serious about. I wasn't kidding about learning from him. I've got holes in my style that need to be removed." Minako grinned a bit and rubbed the side of her stomach, where a bruise from a kick was forming. "It's so nice to find a guy who doesn't think of girls as weak." "What do you mean by that?" "I wasn't holding back and neither was he. We should be able to progress quite rapidly. We'll also have to see to the others as well." "Huh?" "We need to get in shape to be able to protect Usagi better." Artemis shook his head and stated, "Thinking like the leader of the senshi again, aren't you?" Minako looked away. "It was my responsibilty back in the Silver Milleniuem. I don't want to fail her again." Minako walked off, leaving Artemis behind. The white cat sighed heavily and muttered. "You can't keep running from it, Minako." Artemis shook his head and scampered after his charge. ------------------------------------------- Gai stepped into his room and removed his shirt to cool off. He thought about the fight and smiled a bit. A knock on his door intreuppted his musings. Opening the door, Gai said, "Hello, Hino-san. What do you want?" "I saw your training. You are surprisingly good. Especially when you consider that you have no formal training. Just a question, though. Why did you hit her at full force?" Gai snorted and answered, "She wasn't holding back, and neither was I. I had that paticular delsuion of females being weaker than men beaten out of me by Valcia." "Valcia?" "Guyver 2. She pounded me through a battleship." "Huh?" "Hmm. Let's see. Thrown through decks, kicked through steel walls, smashed through bulkheads. In general, we made a mess of the place with our fight, before the ship blew up. All right, it was our actions in wrecking the ship that caused it to self-destruct. She was very good. I'm just lucky that her armor was damaged to allow me to triumph over her." Hino sweatdropped as he left Gai to his thoughts. Gai smirked as he watched the elder Hino leave. A frown marred his features and he pulled out two objects from his pocket. One was a photograph and the other was a glowing yellow crystal. "Mizuki," Gai whispered as he placed the picture down near his bed. He blinked as the image of golden hair appeared in his mind. Sitting down on the bed, he stared at the crystal. 'The Zoacrystal of Archanfel. I still can't recall clearly how I got it. Oh. Heck with it. I know exactly why I can't remember. It was something he said to me, before I killed him. I just can't remember what.' Gai stared at the crystal a bit longer and punched himself in the head. 'I am an idiot. I'm in a Shinto shrine with two preists. Either one of them should be able to teach me how to meditate to recall traumatic events. I'll have to talk to Hino-san about that.' Gai put the crystal on top of the photo and changed clothes. He was once more wearing his tattered clothing that Rei had found him in. "No need to get my new clothes wrecked, if I get hurt," Gai muttered as he headed for the window. He jumped out of his second story bedroom window. Gai propelled himself far enough away so that when he summoned his armor, the building was undamaged by the armor's reappearance in the world. "Time to go Daimon hunting," Guyver One said. ----------------------- Setsuna Meiou a.k.a. Sailor Pluto was about to rip her hair out in fustration. Just as soon as Gai was alone, she was going to teleport nearby to talk to him. That plan was changed as she saw Gai throw himself out a window and transform. The green haired Sailor watched as Guyver flew off. "How much trouble can this one boy cause?" Setsuna muttered and winced a second later. "Now that I asked, I'm probably going to find out." Pluto headed for the area where the next Daimon should appear. Shaking her head, she thought about a possible problem. 'I'll have to send Small Lady back home. I don't want to take the chance of her being wiped out by the changing timeline.' She used her ability to sense temporal pathways to see if the shrine would be all right. Her eyes widened in shock as she looked towards the shine and then in the direction Gai went. 'How did he do that? His room is now blocked from my senses as well,' Setsuna thought with sigh. 'Why do I have the feeling I'm not going to like the answers to my questions?' --------- From his aerial vantage point, Guyver One watched as a woman held a large seed and place it against a soft drink machine. He watched as the Daimon egg fused with the soda dispenser and change forms. It now looked like a reddish-brown girl with spakles under her skin, wearing a dress made out of pop cans. On the right arm was a can attached to a bracer. A black star was at the end of the can. 'Oh. So that's how they do it,' Sho thought as he descended. Landing behind Mimmette with a loud thud, Guyver inwardly smirked as he watched Mimmete spin around. "How did you...," Mimmemtte began nervously. "I flew." Mimmette recovered and said, "Well, it doesn't matter. So-do attack him." Before the Daimon had a chance to attack, Sho rushed forward and gave a flying knee to the female creature. With a loud pop, the daimon collapsed and turned back into a pop machie. A seed fell out of the machine a second later. "Hmmm. That's new," Sho commented. "Or I've been so busy with other worries, that I never noticed that happening before." Mimmette slowly backed away as she stared at the Guyver. "You can't be this powerful," she stammered. Sho was about to approach the member of the Witch's Four, when the sensors on the top of his head moved back and forth in their grooves. He turned around and ignored Mimmette, as she rushed off. Standing in front of him were seven men. "So Guyver, you have reappaered," one of the men said. "We will not allow you to interfere with our plans anymore." The seven ripped out of their clothes as they transformed into large monstrous creatures. Sho nervously thought, 'A HyperZoanoid Team 5, a Zerebubuth, and an Enzyme II. I think I've got a problem.' ---------------------------- === File Separator ============================================== Chapter 07 Sailor Pluto teleported to where the next Daimon would appear. She hoped she would get a bit clearer view on the Guyver's powers. She swallowed hard as she saw the Daimon stopped so easily. 'That would take Super Sailor Moon to stop and he does it with a flying knee.' Pluto was about to leave when she saw the seven men appear and confront Gai. Her eyes widened as they changed into very nasty looking monsters. 'What are those? Plans? What plans?' Setsuna wondered. Pulling out a communicator, she called the other Senshi to head over to where she and the Guyver were at. 'If I want any answers, I'm going to have to get involved.' Pluto eyed the battle carefully. She saw that Guyver was trying to keep his distance from a creature that looked like a yeti with a caterpillar's head. Aiming at the monster, Pluto whispered, 'Dead scream." Gai and the Zoanoids were taken by surprise by the appearance of a ball of purple light striking Enzyme II. Pluto smiled as the monster toppled. The smile faded as Enzyme II slowly stood up and headed her direction. Guyver yelled, "Keep away. It has acid blood and spits acid." Pluto swore silently, as she leapt up and fired off another Dead Scream into Enzyme II's face. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Guyver back-flipped out of the way of several attacks and launch a similar attack to the Dead Scream at a lobster like monster. Unlike her attack, the black sphere plowed right on through and left a sizeable hole in the side of the Zerebubuth. The creature went down to one knee and grunted in pain. Dodging an acid spray from Enzyme II, Pluto's eyes widened as the monster stood back up and fired off a laser at Guyver. 'These things are strong.' "WORLD SHAKING!" "DEEP SUBMERGE!" A sphere of water and a sphere of orange energy sped towards Enzyme II. Before they made it, the two attacks combined into a much larger attack. The combined force blew Enzyme II into a nearby wall, where he slowly crumpled to the ground. "Pluto, what are these things?" Uranus asked, pulling out the Space Sword and targeting a Zoanoid with two blade like arms. Pluto winced and replied, "I have no idea." "What?!" Uranus and Neptune cried together A purple monster with balls for shoulders said, "It doesn't matter anyway. You're going to be killed. Have a taste of Gaster's liquid missiles." Gaster fired off a volley of missiles at the three Senshi. The trio quickly responded and fired off their attacks at the incoming rockets, detonating them harmlessly. Pluto wasn't sure what she was feeling when she saw Sailor Moon and the others show up. Relief, now that the team was all here or worry for the princess, since these creatures were much stronger than a Daimon. Pluto watched as a rhino like creature impaled the Guyver on the tip of his horn. Gai raised his right hand over his head and brought it down, a black sphere forming as it went. The pressure cannon blew the entirety of Derzerb's neck away. Dropping to his feet, he pulled the head away from his stomach and threw it to one side and fired a shot at a humanoid cockroach. Shaking her head, Setsuna fired a Dead Scream at the injured Zerebubuth. 'If I survive, I'm heading to the timegate and see how I missed this.' Pluto felt a hand on her shoulder pulling her behind its owner. She looked around and saw that the Senshi were a bit worse for wear, but all right and that the opposing side was about the same way, save Derzerb and Enzyme II. She was about to step forward when the person who pulled her back ripped open his chest. Ami gasped. "Power levels are increasing off the scale." Pluto's mouth dropped as a blast of blue-white energy poured forth from the Guyver and smashed into the Zoanoids. Weakened by the Senshi's attacks, they stood no chance and were instantly vaporized. Guyver said, "Thank you for your help, Sailor Senshi. I wouldn't have stood a chance against that group of HyperZoanoids without it." Mars whispered, "That group? There's more?" Guyver nodded, "Yes, there are a lot more of them. This was a group of HyperZoanoids. Ordinary Zoanoids are weaker, but are still very dangerous." The Senshi watched as Guyver walked over to the bodies of the two dead Zoanoids. He knelt down beside Enzyme II and tapped it on the shoulder. "Ah. Good. It's dissolving." Enzyme II and Derzerb melted into a puddle of goo that rapidly evaporated. Standing up, Gai nodded to the Sailor Senshi and flew off into the air. Pluto bit her lower lip in determination, as she approached Sailor Moon. "Sailor Moon, Small Lady will have to return to her own time." Chibi-usa asked, "Why, Pu?" Smiling down at Chibi-usa, Pluto replied, "This fight is why. It caught me completely off guard. I don't want to see you wiped out." A strange look crossed Chibi-usa's face, but she nodded and lifted the time key given to her. In a flash of light she disappeared. 'Ever since Gai showed up, things are going out of control.' Oncoming sirens told the Senshi that it was time to vacate the area. ------------------------------------------------------------- Over the Hikawa shrine, Sho looked down and mused. 'I'm going to have to remember how I defeated the ZoaLords. If I don't, the Sailor Senshi might die. What did Archanfel say to me? Erg. Well, time to get back to a somewhat normal life.' Guyver I concentrated and teleported into his bedroom. Touching down on the floor, he brought his arms up. A light blue light surrounded him as the armor popped off and faded back into subspace. Gai took a look at the clothes he wore and smiled rueful as they fell off him. 'That fight took a toll on my clothes. If I waited a bit longer, my clothes would have been back to what they were, but they were rags anyway.' Gai pulled out some of his new clothes and got dressed. He gathered up the remnants of what he was wearing and carried them out to a trash can. Gai smiled a bit as he thought about his lesson with Minako tomorrow. ------------------------------------------------ Far in the future, Chibi-usa returned to Crystal Tokyo. She saw her mother approaching. "What are you doing back so early?" "A fight that Pluto didn't see cropped up. She sent me back to protect me." Another voice said into their minds, "Our timeline is in danger. Perfection must take precedence." "Yes, master," the two chorused. === File Separator ============================================== Disclaimer: All characters that are used belong to their respective creators. I do this for fun and do not take any money off of it. Please don't sue me. The stories are mine, so please don't use them without asking me. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Pluto looked at the timegate and swallowed heavily. She knew that she was not going to like what she would find out about Gai and his opponents, but she wanted to know. "Here I go," Setsuna whispered and focused the timegate on the last battleand started back-tracking. As images of Gai's life started to be displayed, Pluto's eyes widened as she saw one of the most brutal and powerful fights she ever witnessed. On a whim she checked to see what would have happened if a certain event hadn't occured. "No," Pluto whispered, as the Garnet Orb Staff slipped from her fingers. "It was their fight that would cause the ice age. Their fight happened too early." Pluto went back to looking into the past of Gai Ichishino. She felt sick as she watched the fight between father and son and the final brutal outcome. As the past was displayed, she felt she failed in her duties as a protector. Cronos had ruined so many innocent lives in such a short time. "So his name is really Sho Fukamachi," Pluto said to herself, as she tried her best not to throw up at the insane death count that she has just witnessed. "So, that's how he gained that power. Random chance. But, where did it come from? And Archanfel, where did he come from?" Pluto started tracking the pasts of those two back. She frowned as the histories extened into the Silver Millenium period. As the pasts of the two she was researching started going further and further back, Pluto was getting a little concerned. When she found out about the origins of the Guyver armor and Archanfel, she grabbed up her staff and fled the timegate. Her face was as green as her hair. --------------------------------------------------------------- Gai shook his head resolutely as he approached Rei. He decided he had procrastinated long enough on a certain matter. "Rei, I need to ask you a question," Gai said. "Do either you or your granfather know techniques to get through mental blocks? Especially ones that seal off parts of a person's memory." Rei was taken aback by the question. It bordered close to asking if she could reawaken memories of a past life. "Why do you want to know?" Gai sighed and looked towards the wall which he had recently patched. "I have a piece of memory that is blocked off from me. It must have been very traumatic for me to seal it off like that." "It might be best if you don't remember," Rei said with sympathy. Gai shook his head. "It's running away. I have to accept what happened and I can't do that if I can't remember." Rei bit her lower lip and nodded. "I understand. But, I'm afraid I don't know how to reawaken memories and as for Grandfather...." "I never learned how either," Hino said as he walked up to the two. "I can teach you some meditation techniques that might help, but they might not work." Gai snapped his fingers. "Would theese mediation techniques allow me to remember nightmares and dreams clearly?" Hino nodded. "Are you having nightmares?" "Just one. But there are certain things that don't make sense in it. If I could retain more of it, I might be able to figure out what happened during that memory block." Hino nodded and explained the basics of a simpe meditation technique to recall dreams. Gai lsitend with rapt attention as he might soon have a clue to his recent past and how he defeated the ZoaLords. "Thank you Hino-san. Now I'd better get ready for martial arts lesson with Minako." Rei frowned as she thought of something. "Why did you accept Minako's offer, instead of going to a dojo?" Gai smiled. "No money, and we'll be learning from each other." "There are school clubs you can join." "True, but I have other reasons," Gai replied, as he thought, 'The main one is that informal training like this doesn't leave a trail and my abilities remain shrouded a bit.' Rei strained to keep her temper as Gai walked off, ending any further attempts of getting information from him. She watched as Minako and Makoto arrived and started the martial arts lesson. It was a very bizzare spectacle. When Minako and Makoo teamed up, they both went down to Gai. But, when they fought him one one one, his skills dropped a bit. "Now I see what he meant by learning from each other," Rei muttered to herself. After the lesson was over, Gai bowed to Minako and Makoto and left the Hikawa shrine to go for a walk. ---------------------------------------------------------- Mimette was still shaking from her last encounter with the Guyver. "One shot. That's all it took. And, those things that showed up, what are they?" Mimette calmed herself went back to battleground. She grabbed a running video camera she had left behind to record the battle. "At least it wasn't a total loss. I now have some information on Guyver." Mimette took the recording back to the Professor and handed it to him. The Death Busters watched in shock as the battle between the Zoanoids, Senshi and Guyver progressed. The final blast produced by the Guyver that ended the fight was on a scale they had never seen before. "Leave," the Professor said. "I have much to think about. Savior or not, the Guyver is way to dangerous to have around." The Witches nodded and left the room, as the Professor stared at the still image of the Mega-smasher beam. "We won't be able to overpower this thing. But, what happens if I force it to relive all of its most painful memories? It should be incapicated by depression and guilt." Professor Tomoe started gigling hysterically as he thought of the most powerful force of good reduced to a quivering lump of depression, and started working on the perfect Daimon. ------------------------------------------------------- In another galaxy, Pharoh 90 looked towards something that was approaching Earth. "It's coming. I will not let that thing win. I will destroy the universe before I sumbit to that thing." Pharoh 90 sighed. "Either I win and destroy the universe, or I will be killed. Either way I'l be beyond it's reach." He looked at a table with small human figurines standing on it. He picked up one of the figures. "Sailor Galaxia. Our finest creation, since Archanfel. We should have put more restraints on her power. Now there are so few of the Senshi left to fight. Who am I kidding? When she lost it, my fellow Advents knew the war was lost and comitted suicide to prevent being dominated. I just want to take that thing with me." Pharoh 90 put Galaxia's figure down and picked up another one. "Princess Serenity or Sailor Moon. Who would have expected such a minor project to become so powerful? All she was supposed to be was a co-ordinator, not a fighter." Pharoh 90 put the figurine down and shook his head. "It's all for nothing though. The ZoaLords and Zoanoids are nothing but a vauge memory to humanity and the last of the bio-armors were destroyed when we created the first Sailor Senshi and the Negaverse. They should have strengthed each other through their fighting, not eradicate each other." As he watched his aincent enemy, Pharoh 90 knew that the final battle was drawing close. A batlte that he believed would end in one of two ways. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Makoto and Minako waited for Usagi and Ami to show up for their Senshi meeting. As they waited, they discussed how they would train Gai and how they would learn from him. Something did bother Minako though. "Makoto, why haven't you compared Gai to your old boyfriend?" "Gai? He's just sort of there. Sort of like Yuuichiro or Umino or any of the other boys in my class." Minako accepted the answer with some relief. Makot was about to say more when Ami and Usagi were led towards the meeting area by Rei. Artemis and Luna had also come. The expessions on all the Senshi's faces were serious, even Usagi's Rei began, "I think we all know whay we're holding this meeting. That little fight yesterday." Another voice said, "Little fight? I'd call that a minor war." The Inner Senshi spun around and saw Sailor Uranus and Neptune in their civillian guises. "Room for two more?" Haruka asked. Usagi nodded. Haruka and Michiru sat down and glanced at Usagi. "Guyver is way beyond anything we have encountered," Michiru said. "We think he might be the Savior." Ami looked at them. "What makes you say that?" "His power. The Savior is supposed to have immense amounts of power. That little stunt he pulled yesterday, proves he has power." "I'm willing to hand the grail over to him, if he is," Usagi said. "But he doesn't stick around long enough for us to talk to him that much." Rei said, "We have another concern. Guyver's enemies. Unlike our foes, his use tactics and do gang up on a target. If they join up with the Death Busters...." "The only thing we can do is train," Minako replied. "We have to be ready this time. We have two enemy forces to deal with and an unpredictable ally. We need information." Rei, Usagi, Ami, and Luna stared at Minako, while Artemis gave a long sigh. Artemis said, "Minako's right. But, Minako don't make the same mistake and let your duty overwhelm you again." Usagi asked, "What do you mean by that?" Artemis snorted. "Sailor V? Remember? She fought on her own for a long time. She gave up any idea of happiness and then there's that curse on her." "Artemis!" Minako snapped. Artemis took a look into his charge's eyes and relented a bit. "I'm sorry, Minako. But, I don't want to see you go through that again." Minako took deep breaths to get her anger under control. Rei turned away, muttering to herself. "This just gets better and better. I never knew that Minako was cursed." Usagi put a hand on Minako's shoulder and said, "It might help if you talk about it. If I knew what the curse was I might be able to break it with the Silver Crystal." "Usagi, I don't want to...," Minako began, and shook her head. "The curse is that I can never love anyone. My love is destined to be hopeless. The boy I fall in love with will either die or be taken or reveal that he is an enemy." Everyone there, save Artemis, winced in sympathy for Minako. "Usagi, don't try and break the curse," Minako said. "Something might go wrong and infect you with the same curse." "But...," Usagi began. Minako raised her hand. "I don't want to see you get hurt becuase of something that happened before you met me. Besides there's nothing you could do." The rest of the meeting was subdued as they talked about the Guyver and the forces now arrayed against them. ---------------------------------------------------------------- In a future time, Neo-Queen Serenity was standing as still as a statue. She saw part of her kingdom fade in and out as whatever was happening in the past affected her present "Master, what is it that we should do?" Serenity asked. "I am programming you with certain instructions and powers. If worse comes to worse, you must take your earlier incarantion's place and guide the timeline back to this one." "And Pluto?" "If the mind control wears off, kill her." Serenity nodded and shifted to the costume of Super Sailor Moon. Her master watched as she faded back into the timestream. "Even if this timeline won't make it, she will be a great assest to my previous incarnation. Too bad I couldn't change Pluto like I did her, but the mind control should be good enough. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Pluto appered in a small apartment and ran towards the bathroom. After vomiting for a few minutes, she composed herself from the huge shocks she had recieved. Shocks so great they broke blocks on her own mind. "What have I done?" She used her time sense to see Crystal Tokyo as it really was. A land conquered by an enemy that made Pharoh 90 look like a Youma by comparison. An enemy that had placed her under mind control. She felt a ripple in the timestream as someone from the future had entered the present. "Neo-Queen Serenity is here and the fight is about to begin. Sho, Gai, or what ever you call yourself be ready." -- Tom Mathews a.k.a. Disruptor === File Separator ============================================== Disclaimer: not my characters, I'm only doing this for fun. But it is my story. ======================================================================== As he was walking, Gai thought back to the last fight with the HyperZoanoids. "So there are still a few of them left," Gai muttered to himeself. "The fights are escelating once again. I need to know how I did it the last time. I have a hunch that before this is over, it's going to get a lot worse." Gai shook his head and walked on. He stopped for a moment when he saw Usagi walking past him without saying hello. He whirled around and studied the girl intently. "That is not Usagi; she's far too graceful. Has Cronos figured out where I'm at already?" After a moment, Gai discarded that idea. "No. They know what I look like. I'm quite sure they wouldn't make the mistake of creating a double and not showing her a picture of what I look like." Mulling that over, he contiued his walk. "The only other person I've seen with hair like that is Sailor Moon, and...." His eyes widened in relization. "Usagi is Sailor Moon, and the others must be the rest of the Sailor Senshi. And that means that girl, I just saw was..... Damn! You're an idiot Sho, Cronos wouldn't be the only ones to use a trick like that. The Senshi have their own enemies." Gai ran to a deserted alley and summoned the Guyver armor once more. Guyver I leapt upwards and concentrated hard to activate his teleportation. After a moment, he reappeared over the Hikawa Shrine. "Where is she? There with her friends," Gai said to himself, and looked towards the direction he had earlier walked. "The double will be here in a couple of minutes. No time for subtlety." Guyver descended rapidly and crashed through the roof of where the Senshi were having their meeting. The seven girls jumped back in surprise at Guyver's entrance. Turning his attention to Usagi, Gai said, "There is a double of you heading this way, Sailor Moon. You are in great danger." Stunned that she was addressed by her Senshi name, Usagi stammered out, "H-how? W-why am I in danger?" "My own personal experiences with body doubles has never been pleasent," Guyver replied, shaking his head. "My guess will be that she will try to replace you and lead the others to their deaths." Rei got out, "Why do you think we're the Sailor Senshi?" Guyver commented, "You might want to change your hair style when you become Sailor Moon. It's very distinctive and anyone with a good set of sensors can see right through that energy field." Rei deflated a bit, "Er? Sensors?" Guyver bowed his head as the two sensors moved back and forth in their grooves. "Yes. Like these. We have no time to waste." Pointing to Usagi, he said, "Go hide somewhere. I want the rest of the Senshi to stay here and I'll go underground. Meet the double before she gets into this room." Ami asked, "Why are we doing these things?" "I want to know who she is, where she came from, and more importantly what she knows. I hope I'm wrong about this. But if I'm not, get ready to transform at a moment's notice." Mutely the Senshi did as he wanted, still a little shaken that he was easily able to see through their disguise. Before he went underground, Gai said, "Pluto stay invisible for now. It'll be another surprise for the double to deal with." "Wh-what?" the girls chorused. Setuna's voice came out of the air. "Do as he says. I'll explain things afterwards." ------------------------------- Dr. Tomoe giggleed maniacaly as he saw his newest Daimon. It looked like a white skinned girl with a tape recorder attached to her back. "Playback, force the Guyver to relive his most painful memories, while one of us relieves Sailor Moon of the Chalice." "Acknowleged." Mimmete came running into the room. "Doctor. I just spotted the Guyver flying towards the Hikawa Shrine." "That place again?" Tomoe asked. "No matter. We at least know the layout." Mimmete asked, "Who's going to get the Chailice?" "We're all going," Tomoe stated. "Even Hotaru. That way as soon as we have the Chailce, we can give it to Hotaru right away. The Senshi will be busy trying to help Guyver out, and it'll give us a perfect oppurtuinity to grab it." Tellu remarked, "This seems like a desperate plan." Tomoe whirled on her. "You saw what the Chalice does for Sailor Moon. Do you want to see what it does for Guyver? I do not. We have to act now, before it is given to him." The Witches nodded and got things ready for the upcomming fight. Dr. Tomoe waited in the room with the Daimon eggs. A beeping comming from his computer alerted him to an incomming message. He ran over and opened the communications channel. "Great Pharoh 90, it's an honor to hear from you." "What is your status." "A new enemy has shown up and were moblizing to get the Chalice before the Sailor Senshi give it to him." "I see. Faliure so far." Dr. Tomoe sweated. "I think it might be the Savior. If the Senshi give it to him. Everything we have worked for will be in danger." "I see. I will observe your performance this time. How you fare will decide if I keep you alive or kill you." "Yes, Pharoh 90," Dr. Tomoe said weakly. Black energy poured forth from the computer and stuck four Daimon eggs. The four eggs merged and shifted into the form a black skinned man, wearing grey robes. "This Daimon avatar will be good enough for now," Avatar-90 said. "I want to see the new enemy with my own eyes." "Why haven't you done that before?" Dr Tomoe asked in shock. "Because, I can't use all my powers using a puppet body," Avatar-90 replied. "Now stop stalling and get moving." ------------------------------- Ami, Rei and the other Senshi were nervous about what was going on. Having a human monster drop in like that was a bit unnerving. Makoto asked, "Do you think the Death Busters have figured out who we are? Or maybe Guyver's enemies? And, how did he know it was double?" Rei replied, "Something alerted him to the fact that there is a second Usagi walking around." Cheking her watch, Ami said, "Normally, this about the earliest Usagi would show up to one of our study groups. That little fight yesterday caused even her to be here on time." "So, we're dealing with a person who knows how Usagi acts," Rei said, narrowing her eyes. "We might have another problem," Minako added. "Guyver was in a hurry and he does have his own enemies tracking him down." Rei groaned on hearing that little tidbit. "We're going to have brawl on our hands no matter what." "Quiet here she comes," Ami said. The Senshi watched as the exact image of Usagi came up the steps. The double smiled and waved at the Senshi so much like Usagi that the Inners were a tad uncertain if this wasn't really Usagi." "Sorry, I'm late. I overslept. Haruka? Michiru? What are you doiing here?" Michiru replied, "Something came up in our fight with the Death Busters. Before anyone could say anything, Hino-san came outside and asked, "Rei, have you seen Gai?" Usagi asked, "Who?" The second Usagi said that, she realized that she had just made a mistake when she saw the eyes of the Inners glare at her. Rei answered her grandfather. "He went for a walk. He should be back shortly." Hino-san nodded and went on his way. "Who are you?" Rei demanded. "Usagi should know who Gai is, since he's staying here." "So this Gai might be why Crystal Tokyo is in danger," Usagi said to herself. "You've met me before Rei, back when my daughter came back in time to get help from you." "Neo-Queen Serenity," Ami whispered. "What are you doing here?" "I'm trying to protect Crystal Tokyo from being destroyed." And how are you going to do that?" another voice asked from behind Serenity. Whirling around, Serentiy took an involuntariy step backwards as she was face to face with Guyver. Right behind him was a hole in the steps. "Wh-what are you?" Guyver crossed his arms and stared at the girl. "If you are from the future, you should know who I am. Or, are you from an alternate timeline that diverged when I showed up?" Rei asked Ami, "Alternate timeline?" "Probable. I think when Guyver appeared, Crystal Tokyo started fading out. Remember, Pluto didn't see the Zoanoid fight we had." Haruka snorted, "She didn't even know what a Zoanoid was." Serenity glared at Guyver. "So, you're the cause of my realm's destruction." Guyver shrugged, "Probably. Not that I care. If the future is locked, it means that everything I went through was pointless. So tell me, what were you going to do to Gai? Kill him for just being alive and an uncertain factor? Sailor Moon is a nice person. I don't think she wants to becomes someone who uses deception and harbors thoughts of killing innocents." "You're right, I wouldn't," Usagi said, as she came out of the shrine. With burning eyes, Usagi stared at her future counterpart. "What happened that would turn me into someone like you? Gai's a friend of mine." "You've destroyed everything!" Serenity yelled at Guyver. "The paradise of Crystal Tokyo will never come about now!" "How did it come about the first time?" Guyver asked. Ami answered, "Serenity used the Silver Crystal to remove evil from the hearts of humanity." With a flat voice that sounded like the crack of doom, Guyver said, "Mind control. I"m glad I destroyed it then. Any goverment that requires mind control is evil." The Inners gasped in shock as they felt the truth of Guyver's words. "Perfection must take precendence," Serenity said. "I shall deal with you and get time back on track." Guyver snorted, "You'll have to wait in line." "Huh?" Serenity said. Gai pointed with is thumb behind him. "It looks like the Death Busters are here to deal with me also." ------------------------------------ Hino-san watched as his grandaughter and her friends face off against the traveller from the future and the now arriving Death Busters. "So, Rei is Sailor Mars," Hino said to himself. "I must thank Sho for getting that information for me, although I could have done without the hole in the roof. I had better find Yuuichiro and get him into the shrine propper. I have no wish to be caught in the crossfire of this fight." -- Tom Mathews a.k.a. Disruptor .---Anime/Manga Fanfiction Mailing List----. | Administrators - | | Unsubscribing - | | Put 'unsubscribe' in the subject | `---- -----' === File Separator ==============================================