Revolutionary Aquatransexxual Ranma Prologue By Dr. Suekeiichi Kaiton "I ain't goin! No way! No how!" Ranma kicked his father out into the koi pond before he could start an argument, the bulbous panda bouncing heavily across the backyard. "And ya can't make me go Pops!" A glint of steel at his throat stopped him dead in his tracks. "If he cannot make you go, son, I will." Nodoka's katana bit lightly into his skin. Ranma swallowed loudly before sitting back down across from his mother and the Tendos. "Now Ranma, you have no say in this matter, Principal Kuno was quite clear that measures must be taken before the start of your senior year." The katana lay once again, sheathed, beside her. Her tone of voice brooked no excuse, her piercing blue eyes glaring at him for his recent progress report. It was his last term of junior year, one of the most important years of his scholarly life; it was the year most important to colleges - the year they really looked at for admission. Intellectually he knew that he had fouled up big time, but his idiotic pride kept him training and consequently sleeping through his classes. Ranma looked at his mother apologetically. "I'm kinda sorry Mom." "It is too late for apologies now, Ranma. Now please leave while we decide what we are going to do." Nodoka pushed Ranma out of the tearoom so that she could talk to Soun about Ranma impending nuptials as well. Ranma wandered around the house for a few hours as they talked in secret. It was a lovely spring day, Kasumi was hanging clothes out to dry and Akane was out shopping with Nabiki while he was stuck at the dangerous end of his mother's wrath. He simply sat down on the porch and looked out at the sky as birds took flight from the metropolis, he suddenly realized that he had been twirling the ring around on his finger. It was blue crystal with a deep pink diamond set in the centre like a rose, Nabiki almost had a fit the first time she saw it on his hand, roughly grabbing him and asking where he found it, of course Ranma said nothing. The story of how he came by the ring was so embarrassing to him that he didn't like to talk about it; for fear that it would make him look weak. Still, the ring was beautiful as the sunlight refracted off its surface, oscillating over the surface of the koi pond. It also smelled of sweet roses, definitely not the kind of roses Kodachi was famous for growing. He brought it to his face and inhaled deeply the intoxicating scent, the smell bringing back memories of that day... ---Several months ago--- Ranma was walking alongside Akane through the rain, he atop the fence overlooking the canal, and Akane plodding through the puddles. The downpour had started just after they stepped out and true-to-form Ranma was a drenched-looking girl. Cursing the heavens had no visible effect so Ranma settled for grumbling under his breath about the unfairness of his situation and completely ignoring the uncute girl beside him. Akane herself did not speak but simply fumed at Ranma's relative silence, clenching her mallet tightly under the rainslicker. The rain was overflowing the canal below, the waves crashing over the breakers and flooding into the drainage ditches. The silence was broken however, when Shampoo appeared in a skin-tight raincoat and glomped Ranma in a fierce grip. Akane growled and hurled the mallet at her fiancée, the hard wood narrowly missing her red hair. "Fine! If that's the way you want it baka! I'll see you at home!" She sped off down the street. Shampoo blew a raspberry after the blue-haired girl, unknowingly opening her hood to the rain...the cold rain. Minutes later there was a pink furry cat perched on Ranma's shoulder. She screamed in fright and tried to shake the feline off her clothes, Shampoo-neko yowling all the while. She finally got a grip on the cat's pelt and hurled her away. As Ranma through the cat a block down the street, screaming madly as she slipped and slid over the fence, Mousse appeared from a nearby alley. The hidden weapons master growled in fury similar to Akane's, so similar in fact that he projected her blue aura of jealousy. He slowly drew three maces and a sword from his voluminous sleeves. [Saotome you swine! How dare you hurt Shampoo like that! You will pay!!] He grasped the sword by it's blade and threw it like a knife, the glinting silver becoming like a saw as it raced towards Ranma's precarious perch. "DIE SAOTOME!!!" "DIE SAOTOME!!!" Ranma's head jerked up at the outburst, her feet squeaking on the wet metal. The saw sliced neatly through the fence, causing Ranma's footing to bend and twist backward over the channel. The pigtailed martial artist leapt to the sidewalk but two well-thrown maces hampered her trajectory. Thinking quickly she gained footing atop them both and sprang further up into the cloudy sky, which was exactly what Mousse predicted would occur. So it came as a complete surprise when the third mace crashed into the side of her skull and she plummeted to her death in the rapid current of the channel. Several moments later, Ranma awoke to wet clothes and warm arms embracing her limp body. She was alive! She quickly realized that there was a strange man holding her up above the rushing current, his face unclear because of the bad lighting. She struggled to arise from the grassy knoll where he lay her down but a sharp jolt of pain through her skull soon discouraged her from any movement. She vaguely realized that her hair was unbound and lay around her head like a halo. The man never said a word. He was tall, an inch of two above Ranma's male form with short hair hanging in front of his face in bangs. He wore a black school uniform, from a university or high school she couldn't be sure, and draped a short cape around his shoulders. He was extremely feminine in looks with a face so angular and pure it was a wonder he was not a cross dresser like Ukyo, yet he seemed to exude a quiet strength similar to how Ranma carried himself. She looked up at the sky, realizing for the first time that the rain was slacking off and a few stray droplets of water stung her eyes, two rivers of tears running down her face. Strangely enough the man leaned forward and licked the salty tears away, Ranma shuddered in revulsion as she felt his smooth tongue slide across her skin. [This guy's a pervert!!] She moved to deck him but once again her body protested and she fell into unconsciousness once more. When she had awoken there was a beautiful ring adorning her finger, carved into the likeness of a rose and smelling like the man who had saved her. [Hmm? What's that smell...roses?] She shook her head and the perfume disappeared from her mind and only the cool crystal ring to show that it was not a dream but very real. Ranma slipped the ring off her finger and pocketed it in nullspace (the place where Mousse hides all of his weapons, a subspace pocket), not wanting Nabiki to know about it just yet. ---Back to the present--- Ranma rested his head in his hands. But regardless of his precaution, Nabiki had found out about his 'gift', didn't she? She cornered him in his room, soon after the failed wedding attempt and demanded to know about his recently acquired piece of jewelry. After she had had a good laugh at his expense, the ring had stayed on his hand ever since, a vague feeling that someday he would need it - he was being called. Kasumi whistled softly as the sheets dried, the sunlight cascading down on his rose ring and reflecting off the glassy surface of the koi pond. Ranma's thoughts trailed off as he processed what he saw. It was like something from a cheap shojo science fiction manga, a 'holo-whatsit' or something like that. His eyes bulged as the projection sharpened and focused. The hologram sat suspended in the air, a three dimensional representation of a prestigious-looking prep school complete with clear images of wrought-iron fences covered with roses and trellises climbing with ivy. He moved his hand down fractionally, the image jumping into closer magnification with a hand written message scrawled close to the edge: "I await you here." Ranma ripped the ring off his finger, the crystal cutting through his skin as he looked carefully at the edges of the rose setting. There, in miniscule letters was the message backwards: "I await you here." [Heh. So that's his plan...damn pervert. Probably wants to lure me into his lair or some such rubbish...well not in my lifetime buddy!] Ranma grinned evilly as he tucked the ring into his shirt, cracking his knuckles as he envisioned his next meeting with the strange man...a vision that included several lengths of rope and a few dozen sea urchins. Just then his mother pulled open the tearoom shutter, calling him back into the room. Ranma silently plodded into the room and sat before his parents and Mr. Tendo. "Son," began Soun, "we have been discussing your situation and while I believe you and my Akane should not be separated, your mother believes the distance will do you some good." Tears began to well up in his eyes, and his upper lip began to tremble. "B-b-but why do you have to go son!? Why!!? Oh ho ho ho ho ho ho...why does my poor baby have to suffer so!?" Soun fell on his knees and began to weep openly, comforted only by a few slaps on the back from Genma. "As Tendo was saying...I'm very disappointed in you my boy, very disappointed. I didn't raise you to be such a softheaded little idiot did I!?!" Genma produced a microphone from...somewhere...and began belting off his woes. Ranma silenced him with a pail full of water but the panda began producing signs and whimpering. "Oh shut up Pops! All ya did was steal'n lie'n cheat!! 'A soft headed idiot'? I think your confusing me with you!!! Who was the stupid jerk that trained me in the cat-fist, huh? You don't have enough brains ta-" "That will be quite enough, Ranma." Nodoka touched him lightly on the shoulder, stilling her son and saving her husband from divine retribution. "Now, you still have an entire semester to pull up your grades...and you _will_ bring up your grades, son. Unlike your father and Mr. Tendo, I do not believe that it is possible to salvage your poor marks in a single semester; therefore you will be going to Ohtori Academy, a private school which offers a full year program. You will spend the rest of this school year and summer finishing your junior year and hopefully you will be ahead of your classmates next year!" Nodoka clapped her hands in joy at the thought. She rose quickly and strapped the katana to her back. "I think you should begin to pack now, Ranma. You will be leaving in two days." No sooner had her words been uttered than the Saotome matriarch was gone into the sunny day. Ranma left the two fathers to their weeping, muttering disgustedly as he plodded up the stairs. When he arrived on the roof, he lay out in the sun and thought about how he would tell his fiancés about this, they weren't going to take this well...