### Begin Record File

#F9409918.8 Classified Level: Alpha 1.
George Lucus: Star Wars Date: 09 Apr 1994, Friday.
Subject       : Jedi.
Type Of Scan  : Informative.
Classification: Alpha.
Level         : 5.


Level of Being Name: 08.

Status: Enhanced Human, Class 4; Skin, bone and muscle augmented to make it stronger and harder than human; impervious to injury to a certain extent.

Base of Operation: Universe Based, Universe is divided into sectors that span galaxies with its own local order.

Hierarchy: Elders,
*** Note: These are a listing of the Major Ranks. ***

Number of Race: Over 1 billion scattered throughout Universe.
*** Note: To supplement their numbers the Jedi Order created a race of artificial clones. ***

Cause of Death: Normal meanings to kill a "Enhanced human".

Origin : Twelve families were gathered together from various corner of the Universe by the Lord of Order Alpha to perverse Universal Order and Life.

Age           : The Oldest Order is over 5 million years old.

Height        : Various.

Weight        : Various.

Eye Color     : Various.

Hair Color    : Various.

Race          : Various, Mostly Humanoid.

Feature(s)    :
Ages slowly.

Citizenship   : Depending upon present live site.

Education     : Training by Masters, Adapts and Elders.

Affiliation   : To one's Order that one belongs to and one's native world.

  1.    Over Five million years ago, the Lord of Order, Alpha, gathered together mutants from twelve major races that existed then to the center of the Universe and showed how to use the Life Force as an energy source to preform various tasks.
  2.    The twelve Founding Family expanded out from the Center of Universe, teaching others how to use the Life Force, and formed local galactic orders of the Jedi as size allowed.
  3.    The Jedi serve as Cosmic Guardians of Life and Death, Judges of Justice, and Protectors of Rights throughout the Universe.

  1.    A race of mutants from natural races with mutant, mental and physical, powers derived from their link with the Life Force, who after a time became their own race.
  2.    Life spans are increased up by a factor of 100 on the average, and can be longer due to their direct link with the Life Force.

  1.    Subjects can augment their physical attributes.
  2.    Subjects are skilled in use of blade weapons.

  1.    Subjects can use the Life Force.
  2.    Subjects can talk and understand similar beings.
  3.    Subjects have mental powers: telepathy, empathy, etc
  4.    Subjects can feel the flow of Space-Time and the Life Force.

Power Ratings: On Average
Strength          2, Normal for Host Race.
Intelligence      2, Normal for Host Race.
Energy Projection 5, (Ability to give off high levels of energy for a short period of time).
Mental Powers     6, (Possessing Multiple Developed Mental Abilities).
Fighting Ability  6, (Master of several forms of combat).
Speed             2, (Normal for Host Race).

Level Of Power:
  1.    Life Force2      : Minimum; E, Apprentice.
  2.    Electromagnetic1 : Minimum; E, Apprentice.
  3.    Fighting Ability3: Minimum; D, Apprentice.
  4.    Education4       : Minimum; F, Self-taught Scholars.

  1.    Lightsaber.
### End Record File