Chapter 1

--- Preparations ---
Part 2 of 5

Written by Shaule Sachs
(c) 1996, Shaule Sachs
#include #include ===== [Babylon 5; Gardens Mid Afternoon, July 4, 2256 TCE] Sinclair, Garibaldi, Hawkeye, and Little Deer stood together making their own little group in the crowd of people. By talking to each other they were able to avoid having to speak with the various representatives that were present. Zaxxon had saved the group from listening to a bunch of self-important Earth Senators talking about nothing for hours on end. Sinclair felt sorry for Zaxxon, but, he was glad that it was not him that had to entertain them. All of the necessary and many of the unnecessary representatives of Earth Alliance felt that they had to be at the official ceremony were present and already enjoying the food and drinks that was there. Zaxxon was finally free to rejoin the group after forty-five minutes of talking with the Senators by pointing out that the spoo was fresh and it was going fast. On the way back he stopped at the punch bowl, poured himself some (much to the chagrin of the server), tasted it, and noticed it was spiked. He then preceded to inform the server that she was to get some more unspiked punch and that she should do it now. "Well, it was bound to happen," Zaxxon said sourly. Everyone in the group was surprised at Zaxxon's return. They did not see him coming. "What was 'bound to happen'?" Garibaldi asked with a voice trying to copy Zaxxon's. "Someone spiked the punched," Zaxxon replied. "Spiked the punch?" Sinclair asked, unfamilar with the term. "It means I have not been doing my job," replied Hawkeye. "No, spiking the punch means that someone put alcohol into the punch. It's an Earth tradition to do when there's a party and punch," Zaxxon informed the group. "As to who's job it is to watch for these things, it's mine and the punch server's job," Zaxxon said. When Zaxxon saw that Hawkeye was going to leave the group to talk to the server he added, "I've already talked to her." Hawkeye, while not a hundred percent satisfied, knew that if Zaxxon said he talked to the server then the matter was closed so he went back to where he was. The four commlinks of Zaxxon, Sinclair, Hawkeye, and Garibaldi went off at the same moment. Zaxxon responded, "Hunter here." "Takashima here in Command and Control," came the voice. "The Jumpgate is just activated. The Minbari are here," she continued. "Right," Sinclair replied calmly. "Lets get this show on the ground then," Zaxxon said closing his link and heading off towards the docking bays. Sinclair just shrugged and followed him. Hawkeye and Little Deer smiled and followed Sinclair. Garibaldi realizing he was left alone said, "Wait for me," and headed after them. Zaxxon lead them to Docking Bay 2 where a Minbari shuttle craft was in the final stages of docking. Sinclair's commlink beeped. "Sinclair," he responded. "Minbari shuttle is now docking in Bay 2 Sir," Takashima said. "Thank you Lieutentant Commander," Sinclair said closing his link. /* How did Zaxxon know which Docking Bay the Minbari would dock in? */ Garibaldi asked himself, /* All the Bays but Four and Seven are empty. Yet he came straight to Bay Two. */ "Now we get to see who they sent," Hawkeye said breaking the momentary silence that started with Sinclair closing his link. Just as Hawkeye was finished the ramp to the Minbari shuttle started opening. As the ramp opened the group of five fell silent. The silence grew, taking a life unto itself. The ramp slowly lowered with no sound of hydraulics to add to the sounds of the station. Out of the shuttle came a tall hooded, grey shape. The grey shape looked around taking in the entire Bay and the group awaiting for the mysterious figure to reach them. A red hooded person followed the grey one down the ramp. The red hooded one looked around as the grey one did but it seemed to avoid the group, seeing what else was there. Lastly, another grey hooded figure emerged. Sinclair and the others noted that each hooded figure was smaller than the preceding one. The smaller grey one headed straight for the group with the other grey one on its right and the red one on its left. The hooded strangers stopped a few feet away from the group. An awkward silence began. When the silence had dragged on a bit to much for Garibaldi, he decided to open his mouth to say something, but Zaxxon cut him off by speaking first. With a bow Zaxxon to the hooded figures, he turned to Sinclair and said, "Commander Jeffery Sinclair, may I present to you, Ambassador Delenn of the Minbari Federation, along with her helpers, Linan of the Second Fane of Chidem on her right and Daran of the Fire Wing Clan on her left." Delenn, in the front, removed her hood, bowed to Zaxxon, and asked, "I don't believe we've meet before?" As Delenn spoke the other two removed their hoods as well. "No, we have not," Zaxxon replied with a smile. Seeing Delenn's puzzlement on how to proceed Sinclair stepped in and said, "Ambassador Delenn. . . ." Delenn turned to Sinclair who continued, "Ambassador Delenn to my left is Doctor Zaxxon Hunter, the Chief Executive Officer of Knight Enterprise, the company that Earth Dome contracted to actually construct Babylon Five. To my immediate right is Chief Warrant Officer Michael Garibaldi, who'll be in charge of the station's security after the station goes on-line." Garibaldi bowed like the Minbari did at the mention of his name. Sinclair, seeing that Zaxxon was still smiling, took a breath, and continued on. "Next to him is Eyes-of-the-Hawk who has been in charge of security up until now. And next to him is his sister, Runs-Like-A-Deer, who's an engineer in constructing the station." "The ceremony for the Station inauguration begins in an hour Ambassador," Zaxxon broke in. "You'll be ready by then?" he asked. Both Sinclair and Delenn looked annoyed at Zaxxon's interuption but Sinclair just nodded realizing that the ceremony would start soon with or without the Minbari. Sinclair continued as if Zaxxon had not spoken, "Quarters have been prepared for you. If you'll follow me." Sinclair escorted Delenn and her party out heading to Green sector where the ambassadoral suites were. Garibaldi and Hawkeye brought up the rear leaving Zaxxon and Little Deer in the Bay. Little Deer stated, "You don't like her." "No, I don't," Zaxxon replied. Looking after the departing group, he said mostly to himself, "hopefully she can change or . . . ." As Zaxxon walked out of the Bay Little Deer said, "I hate it when he does that." [The Minbari talk in their native tongue while in their own quarters] While preparing for the station inauguration of the station Linan asked, "What does one wear to a >>party<>party<>party<< is a terran ceremony of celebration," replied Delenn trying to explain the term. "A celebration of what?" Daran asked. "Of various things," Delenn continued, "In this case, the completion of the station we are standing on." "They celebrate the 'completion' of things?" Linan asked surprised. "Yes, they do," Delenn stated uncertain. "What purpose. . . . What is the significance of the occassion?" Linan continued to ask not understanding. "I. . . . I do not know," Delenn replied. "It may be like our Success ceremony. To pray and hope that the events to come will be favorable. . . ." Delenn hazarded a guess. "Yes Satai," Linan and Daran replied formally. "Do not use that title here. The Earthers are not to know about the Grey Council," Delenn said hastely. "Yes Satai," Linan and Daran replied formally. Delenn sighed. "From what Commander Sinclair said about >>parties<< they are not religious observance, but they are important," Delenn stated to get make to the subject at hand. "How can something be important but not be a religious observance?" Linan asked bewildered. "Well, we must get ready. It will not do to be late to the first meeting of Minbari and Humans," Delenn formally replied ending the discussion. "Forgive me Sat... Ambassador, but what do we wear?" Linan asked hestiately. === End of Part === []