Untitled --------- Backstory --------- ---------- Universe A ---------- Setting: Ranma 1/2 Anytime after introduction of Hinako-sensei Sailormoon Anytime after the introduction of S.Pluto Once day while visiting Rei at her temple, the Senshi overhear Cherry (Rei's Grandfather) and his friend (Happosai) talking about someone named "Ranma Saotome"... What they heard, upsets them. They get the picture that Ranma is a womanizer, anti-social, disresptectful boy. Things happen and they hear from other sources (Kuno, Ryouga, Akane, etc) what sounds like that Ranma is a Negaverse General... So the Senshi go confront Ranma... they have already decided that Ranma is a Negaverse General, especially when they see his ki techniques that he copied off of Hinako-sensei... After a long battle, the Senshi manage to get Ranma in position for Sailormoon's attack... Usagi encounters resistance during her attack, but discards it as being similar to the resistance that Beryl put up... after a bit, nothing of Ranma remains. The Senshi believe that Ranma has been moon-dusted, hence proof-positive that he was evil. They immediately power down and go on their way, not noticing that Usagi didn't power down on her own. Only, Ranma wasn't moon-dusted, if he had been there would have been some dust remaining, but nothing remained. Basically, the Ginzuishou compared Ranma to Usagi, and found Usagi wanting. Usagi had been through a lot of strain and her knowing the future has affected her poorly. The Ginzuishou fully merges with Ranma, through this merger he learns of the Silver Millennium, the Senshi, and Princess Serenity. This knowledge includes what USagi learned about Ranma, that his so-called friends truly believe that he is the cause of their pains. So to "make things better for everyone" he wishes to be elsewhere. The Ginzuishou fulfill this wish. Thus both Ranma and the Ginzuishou leave this Universe. Next time Usagi tries to powerup to Sailormoon, she finds she can't. It's then that the Senshi learn that Usagi lost the Ginzuishou. Without it, Usagi can't transform. Pluto does some research of her own into the matter. Pluto discovers the truth about Ranma. Using the Timegate, she watches Ranma's entire live from a few days before his conception until the moment he and the Ginzuishou left this Universe. It is a very haggered Pluto who meets with the Senshi. She informs everyone of the truth of Ranma Saotome's "life", how they all had misinterupt events that lead up to Sailormoon's final attack, and how the Ginzuishou chose Ranma over Usagi, just as it had chosen "first" Queen Serenity over the "mad" Queen before her. She also relates that Ranma and the Ginzuishou have left their timeline... and since the Ginzuishou is involved, there is nothing that she can do to undo the lose of the Ginzuishou. She addes that Justice will be done in regards to the Saotome, the Tendos, and the others that abused Ranma so much. Mamoru/Endymion divides the Golden Crystal in half and takes a small potion of power from all the Senshi to "re-power" Sailormoon. Crystal Tokyo remains, only instead of being focused on Neo-Queen Serenity and the Ginzuishou, it's now focused on King Endymion and the Golden Crystal. Rini, still exists, but has ever heard of the Silver Crystal, only the Golden Crystal that her father has. ---------- Universe B ---------- Setting: Ranma 1/2 Sailormoon Alternate Reality, final battle with Q.Beryl Back in the Silver Millennium, Queen Serenity was the among the first to fall to Beryl/Metallia's attack on the Moon. Princess Serenity, alone with Prince Endymion, took up the fight to protect the Moon and the Silver Millennium. Princess Serenity armed with the Ginzuishou and Prince Endymion armed with the Golden Crystal, fight Metallia and her forces. Ignoring Beryl because of in-fighting among the Negaverse Agents, the Princess is able to merge the Ginzuishou and the Golden Crystal into one, single Crystal that together with Endymion is able to destroy Metallia and seal Beryl and her followers into the Negaverse. But not before Beryl mortally wounded her. With her dying breathe, the Princess sent her fallen friends, all eight Senshi, Luna, and Artemis, into the Future without her and Prince Endymion. The first awaken/reborn in Sailor Pluto, who begins a frantic search for the Moon Princess. Along the way, Pluto finds Luna and Artemis. Artemis finds Minako/Venus, whose on her way to England.