Summary of "Possessed" (Ranma/Sailormoon)+Elements of Slayers Time Setting: Post Ranma1/2-manga and Post Sailormoon manga "Chaos", the final-villian of Sailormoon Universe, was in fact one of four Demon Kings like in Slayers. A little while after "Chaos"'s defeat, another Demon King appears. The Senshi are able to hold things for a month or so until the Demon King possesses Ranma. Nerima Ward becomes the Demon King's stronghold. Possessed-Ranma kills Happosai, Cologne, Genma, and Ukyou. Happosai and Cologne since they could train other martial artists against him. Genma to awake the darkness within Ranma and Ukyou since she got in the of killing Nodoka. Akane and other were able to escape. Ranma gains all the techniques and knowledge of those that the Demon King killed. Ranma is a closest Slayers fan. He even had a perfect-replica of Lina Inverse's costume in his closet. The Senshi are able to use Ranma's fear of cats against Possessed-Ranma until the Nekoken is activated and Possessed-Ranma destroys Nerima Ward. Using Ranma's knowledges of Slayers, the Demon King styles itself after Ryby-Eyes Shabranigdu (think Ranma's form completely black save for completely red-ruby eyes) and creates Shabranigdu's five Mazoku Lords: Deep-Sea Dolphin, Dynast Grauscherra, Chaos Dragon Gaav, Greater Beast Zelas-Metallium, and Hellmaster Fibrizo; their Priests and Generals, some Greater/Lesser Mazoku/Monsters, Trolls, Orges, golems, and various creatures from Slayers, as well as dark versions of the Slayers main characters. There are two excepts to this, Naga, the White Serpent, and Lina Inverse [foreshadowing]. Each Mazoku Lord is five times as powerful as Queen Metallia or Sailor Galaxia. Various Humanoid Mazoku have Swords of "Darkness", which are similar to Gourry's Sword of Light. Fortunately for the World, Mazoku Lords spend as much time fighting each other as they fight with the Senshi. A few months into the Battle of Tokyo, Sailors Mercury and Neptune are captured by Shabranigdu. Outnumbers and outpowered, the Senshi are overwhelmed and lose ground. Tokyo is basically evacuated and the U.N. Security Forces are called in. Conventional weapons are useless against these magical creatures. The best they can do is contain this 'invasion' to Tokyo through sheer numbers and concentrated firepower. Only Senshi and martial artists stand a chance against these invaders. Martial Artists capture Mazoku's Swords of Darkness, these Swords of Darkness because in the hands of a martial artists Swords of Light. Their powers various on the heart and skill of the martial artist. Regardless, these Swords of Light are more powerful than the Swords of Darkness used by the Mazoku [foreshadowing]. Six months later, Sailor Mercury and Neptune reappear and are vastily changed. Both are "wearing" string thong bikinis that are really body-paint, a black cape that comes to their knees, fingerless black gloves that goes to their elbows, knee-high three-inch heeled boots, and nothing else. Both Ami and Michiru's bodies have undergone serious work-outs so that both have physiques like DC Comics's Wonder Woman, minimum bulk, maximum muscle. Ami's bustline has been increased to maintain the "package". In other words, Ami and Michiru look like clones of Naga, the White Serpent. The media, which is one of few to stick around, dubbed Ami and Michiru as the Dark Senshi. As Dark Senshi, the Sailor Disguise Field doesn't work. Thus, the World learns that Ami Mizuno was Sailor Mercury, that renowed violenist Michiru Kaiou was Sailor Neptune, and that they have been captured and now seemly serve Shabranigdu. Upon hearing this, Doctor Mizuno has a nervous breakdown. Ami's father, who was an artist in the country-side, comes back to help Doctor Mizuno deal their loss. In time, two get back together. Michiru's parents isolate themselves while on concert tour and only know that all the concerts in Tokyo have been cancelled. Why the Tokyo concerts were cancelled, they don't care. Ami and Michiru claim Ruby-Eyes transformed them and now their serve their Mistress "Lina Inverse" (note that "Lina Inverse" isn't an actual character here, nor has Shabranigdu "re-created" her [foreshadowing]). Shy, nerdy Ami is now an exhibitionist/tease. Elegant, mature Michiru is now is now kind of loose and carefree. Both Ami and Michiru possess Slayers-like magic: fireballs, freeze arrows, and dragon slaves. In addition, their Senshi magic is magnified so that their both equal to Serenity+Ginzuishou power levels. Sailor Pluto admits when questioned why she hadn't used the Timegate to "fix" things that she has already does so. Originally, Shabranigdu (didn't originally call himself that: just using the name to keep it simple) had come after the Black Moon Uprising in Crystal Tokyo. There, Shabranigdu possessed Neo-Queen Serenity and King Endymion, and destroyed the entire Solar System. Pluto used the Timegate to prevent this. Only Shabranigdu followed Pluto through time to the "present" using his own Temporal Powers with Pluto as an unwitting Guide. Shabranigdu has found an even better host in Ranma. As well as a desire to rule, instead of destroying. Pluto knows, somehow, if she "tries again", Shabranigdu will go back to the Silver Millennium and possess Silver Millennium Queen Serenity, Princess Serenity, Prince Endymion, and take Ranma with him. With all four, there wouldn't be anyone left to stop him from ruling Eternity. The other Senshi try to distract Ami and Michiru while Sailor Moon tries to "heal" them. Ami and Michiru realize this, they give Sailor Moon a "clear shot", and they pretend to be healed only for Ami to get close to Usagi and Michiru to Haruka. Ami pretends to use a ice-sword to behead Usagi, who manages to get out of the way but ends up with a scar on her right cheek. Michiru uses a water-sword out of anger on Haruka. Michiru is able to cut the Space Sword in half. Michiru also leaves Haruka will a scar on her stomach. Ami and Michiru explain that Sailormoon can't help them since they are are not magically mind controlled like the Dark Generals were. They explain that Luna had glossed over or out right ommitted some details of the Silver Millennium, among them: (1) Uranus and Neptune were not lovers in the Silver Millennium but were like sisters/rivals. The "modern-day" Uranus and Neptune were lovers only because Sil.Mill.Queen Serenity thought it would be best for their sisterly-bond to because a lovers-bond. (2) The Silver Millennium was not the paradise that Luna and Pluto relate. Justice was quick, but harsh. Wealth brought previlige and a blink eye from authorities (to a point). The society, save Earth, was a misandistic monarch, meaning that males were discouraged/prevented from attaining any position of "power" and heredity matters more than ability. (3) the Inner Senshi when not guarding the Princess, were the Queen's enforcers So Ami and Michiru are fully merged with their Silver Millennium personas. Ami freeze arrow is capable of freezing a tank, which then crumbles because of metal fatigue. Michiru's flare-arrow melts a tank like butter under a heat lamp. Note, that while Ami and Michiru causes great property damage, they only injurying the Senshi, just as an instructor will strike a student to show weak points in his/her defense. [foreshadowing] In a few month's time, Shabranigdu and his generals push the Senshi and the martial artists to the edge of Tokyo. Enter "Lina Inverse". Lina Inverse looks exactly like onna-Ranma in a Lina Inverse costume. Lina Inverse, Ami, Michiru, and the Senshi are able to challenge the Mazoku Lords. Dragon Slaves and Sailor Power Blasts are tossed around. Haruka and Rei notice that debris seem to pass through Lina Inverse. Lina Inverse seeing that the Senshi have things in hand with Ami and Michiru's power up goes on to face Shabranigdu. The Senshi arrive in time to see Shabranigdu and Lina Inverse trading Dragon Slaves in a stalemate. Shabranigdu informs Lina Inverse and the Senshi that they're lost since Lina Inverse represent the last of Ranma's original soul, no substance. Plus, Lina Inverse and Shabranigdu are drawing from the same source... So Lina Inverse plays "her trump card," the Giga Slave. Shabranigdu is puzzled since there is no Lord of Nightmare to call upon. Ami and Michiru pale and perform a Sailor Teleport taking the Senshi with them to the edge of Tokyo. The above is background info... ... the Fic starts here or later. There is a scream of defient "No" that's heard "around the World". The Senshi materialize in front of the UN Security Force Command HQ. The Generals ask the Senshi what is happening and what are the Dark Senshi, Ami and Michiru, are doing here? But before anyone can answer, they all heard Lina/Ranma say "Giga Slave." There's an explosion. A huge pillar of power with a ten city-block radius of dark/black power with red lightning erupts out of Tokyo and goes all the way to the surface of the Moon, specifically the ruins of the Moon Palace. The ruins of the Moon Palace, save the Praying Crystal, are destroyed. Secondary effect of the pillar level half of Tokyo. Third effects reach the edges of the city where the Senshi and Army are. The Moon, itself, begins to glow with its own light. This light is silver and slowly but surely works it way down the pillar. Silver lightning fights red lightning... Stalemate. Michiru nods to Ami, Michiru sailor-teleports away to the other side of Tokyo. Ami turns to Usagi and starts crying. With tears in her eye, Ami explains that despite Pluto and Luna's best efforts, it's time for the Silver Millennium to pass on. And that Ami had joyfully served Usagi/Princess Serenity because of the old Oaths Sailor Mercury had swore back in the Silver Millennium. But now, Time and Humanity must move on and she has a new Master now. So saying Ami casts a Dragon Slave at Pluto, who blocks it instinctively with her time staff. The Dragon Slave is too much and Pluto's staff is destroyed. From the distance, Michiru's voice is heard saying "Neptune Avatar Power-up!" which Ami echos with "Mercuty Avatar Power-up!" Both Ami appear in Senshi form like Eternal Moon, wings, etc... Two blue lightning bolts errupt out the pillar and strikes Mercury and Neptume. They glow silver and blue. The Silver is sucked out first, when the Silver is gone, Ami and Michiru are de-Senshi-ed an reappear in their Dark Senshi/Naga outfits and Sailormoon's Ginzuishou shatters. Blue lightning flows from Ami and Michiru into the pillar. After several hours, blue spots appear within the pillar. After more hours the entire pillar is blue. The pillar impodes. Ami and Michur use 'Ray Wing' to fly to the center. A little late, the Senshi arrive to the center of where the pillar was. There, they find Ami and Michiru caring for Ranma. Uranus is scared that Shabranigdu is still alive and decides to correct that oversight. As she advances on Ranma, Michiru informs Uranus and the other Senshi, that first and only she (and Ami) belong to their Master, Ranma, and even though Michiru loves Uranus/Haruka as a sister and forced-lover, she won't hestiate to kill her and anyone else that threatens her Master. Ami explains that the only way for herself and Michiru to survive Shabranigdu's torture/brainwashing was to given in, but instead of giving into Shabranigdu, they gave in to Ranma, a distinguation that Shabranigdu didn't make. Ami informs everyone that Ranma now has the full power of the original Shabranigdu, who had kept a part of itself in reserve back in the future/Crystal Tokyo. And that all that power will be needed to face the other two Demon Kings, who will most likely attack together. Ranma's eyes are completely blue-gray, his body is tall and muscular like Goku of Dragonball, and his hair is red like onna-Ranma/Lina's. Also it should be explained that all the "excess" Silver Millennium energy is gone and only the Senshi magic that the Senshi currently have remains. In other words, there won't be a Crystal Tokyo or future Senshis. Also, Ami and Michiru are "stuck" in their Senshi form (which will eventual happen to the other Senshi). What this mean isn't fully understood except, there is no difference between "Ami" and "Mercury", the disguise field is gone, and there is a constant (now) magical field around Ami. The same is true for Michiru/Neptune. Mars, Uranus, and Pluto are angry with all the destruction and deaths that happened and they blame Ranma/Shabranigdu. Ranma calmly explains that it's Pluto's fault for openning the Timegate, that he was only a long-lived, reclusive sensei in Crystal Tokyo and it was Pluto's trying to find a "escapegoat" that brought Ranma to Shabranigdu's attention. Ranma is very logical and Pluto can't defend herself, admitting her guilt. But it's Venus that asks where to they go from there? Ami and Michiru glump onto Ranma making it clear that they will stay with Ranma forever... serving him. Ranma overlooking what little remains of Greater Tokyo, and very little remains, and says it's not so bad. The Senshi (minus Ami and Michiru) look at Ranma as if he's crazy... There's a flash of blue light, and Tokyo is restored and those killed because of Shabranigdu are resurrected. Over the following weeks, things and people return to "normal." Pluto notes that blue flash was a burst of temporal energy, restoring everything and everyone to their pre-Shabranigdu state. The Senshi have a meeting minus Ami, Michiru, and Setsuna. Basically they confirm that everything is back the way it was. They grill Luna on the truth about the Silver Millennium. They also, skirt around the issue, that Ami and Michiru aren't truly a part of their group anymore. It's now, three Inners, Mars, Venus, and Jupiter, three Outers, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto, plus Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask. They also wonder if Crystal Tokyo survived, Setsuna appears. She's tired and misty eyed. She states that the Future is closed to her now and it looks like Crystal Tokyo never was. Also that Rini appears to have been a bridge that Shabranigdu used to connect the present and Crystal Tokyo. Setsuna is scared of Ami and Michiru's powers, and it goes against her grain that a male (Ranma) has such great power. She lets slip that in the Silver Millennium when it wasn't possible to simple slay these "monsters", control spells and such were placed upon them, they were kept a close eye, and used as breeding stock. The other Senshis are worried about Setsuna and agree with Ami and Michiru. They're greatly troubled to learn that Pluto had a mage-powerful son which she had control-spelled up so much he was a vegetable only good for breeding, which Setsuna didn't find anything wrong with. Usagi tears into Setsuna's narrow mindedness and bigotry. Michiru and Ami, dressed in a tight, low-cut blouses, micro-mini-skirts, and heels (in their Senshi colors, green and blue), in other words, they are just this side of being decent, take Ranma, dressed in a blue business suit (he's tramitized about wearing anything red now) to visit Nodoka at the Saotome Home. Because Ranma blames himself for all the death and destruction that Shabranigdu caused. He thinks that if he only he was more honorable, stronger, etc... He could have either prevent everything from happening from the beginning or ended the suffering sooner. He feels that the only thing to do would be to commit seppuku. Realizing this, Ami and Michiru take him to his mother in hopes that she will be able to make him see reason, or failing that, that Ranma is the World's only hope against the two coming Demon Kings. When Ranma recreated Tokyo using his new powers over Time and Space, he made a few changes: (1) Complete restoration of the Tendo home and dojo back to its prime condition (something that hasn't happen since before Mrs Tendo's death), (2) Added a dojo to the Saotome home, plus enlarged the area of the Saotome grounds, (3) made those that Genma had bargain with involving Ranma (engagements, slavery, etc) to forgot that and replaced any damaged goods or money (thus nullify the deals), (4) Ukyou's resturant is bigger with the original yatti within, and (5) Removed Jusenkyo curses from everyone in Nerima, save himself. Ranma's cursed form now acting like Lina Inverse, yet she knows she's Ranma Saotome as well. In other words, onna-Ranma/Lina's temper is shorter and more explosive now, plus, she's more like to respond with magic, especially a fireball, instead of ignoring or using martial arts to deal with those upset her, like Kuno and Happosai. Male Ranma won't use magic that much, but it is there for his use. He will prefer muscle over magic, while she will prefer magic over muscle. Ranma talks with his mother to help straighten things out in his mind: (1) all the fiancees and problems from before, (2) his "new" Power, (3) memories of living for over a thousand years, (4) martial arts knowledge from the "original" timeline when Shabranigdu struck Crystal Tokyo not the present, (5) the knowledge that he absorbed from those Shabranigdu killed, (6) Ami and Michiru, (7) the coming of the two remaining Demon Kings, and (8) the left over of Shabranigdu's "army", most of which believe that Ranam is still Shabranigdu based on the "if it walks like duck, talks like a duck, it's a duck" concept. Nodoka thinks it would be best if Ranma would move back into the Saotome Home. Ranma agrees. Ami and Michiru insist that they move in with Ranma. When asked where Ami and Michiru will sleep by Nodoka, they reply that they would prefer to "sleep" with Ranma in his bed, if they can't, then they sleep at his feet. Nodoka is, of course, thrilled and can't wait for grandchildren. Although Nodoka is sad that she missed their wedding. Ami and Michiru explain they're not married to Ranma, but are Ranma's property. Ranma tries to "talk" Ami and Michiru "out" of their misconceptation of their status, but Ami and Michiru are stubborn and it would meaning Ranma having to kill them to free them... so Ranma's stuck with more girls. Among the resurrected were Genma, Happosai, Cologne, and Ukyou. While they don't remember the pain of their deaths. They do know that they were dead. Each was given a recap of events since their deaths. Cologne takes Shampoo and Mousse back to the Amazon Village so the Council of Elder can "think" about Ranma's "engagement" to Shampoo. You don't want to piss off someone who can destroy and resurrect an entire city the size of Greater Tokyo and has followers that can cast Japan-size Dragon Slaves. Akane, Ukyou, and Shampoo are still in love with Ranma. Even though Akane has a scar from her fight with Shabranigdu when Ranma was first possessed, Shabranigdu killed Ukyou, and Shabranigdu ignored Shampoo. Akane is more willing to admit her feelings now, since she believe that had she been able to admit her love when Shabranigdu first possessed Ranma, he might have been able to free himself (example of Akane's self-centered-ness). Ranma goes along with Ami and Michiru has they reunite with their parents. Michiru and Ranma teleports to Europe. Neither parent is interesting in letting her speak. They just assume that Ranma is her boyfriend, and they are happy that she has found a nice young man to marry and have children with. That Ranma can play the flute very well, just make her parents wishing that Michiru and Ranma marry as soon as possible. Ami's father is helping her mother deal with her absence while she was captured and followed working for the bad guyes. When Ami explains everything from the beginning to the current date, Ami's father says he understands about Ami being S.Mercury (he figured as much) and hopes that Ami will be happy serving Ranma. Ami's mother doesn't take anything well. Ami's father has to calm her down and warns her that if Ami's mother makes Ami choose between her mother or her Master, Ami will, without hestiation, go with her Master without a look back. Which scares Ami's mother greatly, but comes to understand that she can only accept things as is. Ranma tries to console Ami's mother in that he will encourage Ami to continue her "quest" to become a doctor and he will add traditional medicine that Crystal Tokyo-Ranma had learned to Ami's knowledge base. Michiru on violen, Ami on the harp, and Ranma with a flute give a concert in honor of the restored Tokyo. The concert is announced a week in advance. However, since it's known that Michiru and Ami are the Dark Senshis, people are nervous as they remember the Negaverse plot to steal energy from concept goers. Plus, the general populance aren't sure exactly what part(s) the Dark Senshi played, whether willing or not, save the destruction they caused. The concery starts off with only a few music lovers, the Nerima Wrecking Crew (not so strangely, subdued, thanks to Ranma's magic), and the Senshi in attantence. The music reflects the individual players lives. Starting off separately, growing up alone, the difficults in their lives, the joy of finding friends, betrayal, and the happiness of having true friends and loved ones. By the time the concerts ends, the concert hall is overfilled with standing-room only. Ranma, Michiru, and Ami take their bows. Michiru and Ami take Ranma's hands, thus hiding Ranma's powers since their identities are known, and teleport away to the Saotome Home. In a little while, Nodoka and Genma, the Tendos, and Ukyou arrive (they had to walk). Everyone expresses their surprise that Ranma could play any musical instrument, let alone play so well. He response that he started playing when he was four. Playing helped him deal with the loneliness of the road. Of course, since it wasn't martial arts related, Genma won't put up with it. So he had to practice in private. Only Nodoka and Nabiki catch the implied remark that Ranma had to keep a lot of stuff like playing a flute to himself. Genma gets dirty looks from everyone. Ranma, with a nod from his mother, invites everyone to dinner and motions for everyone to sit down to eat at the table. Kasumi wonders long Ranma had been home in order to make dinner, to which Ranma explains him didn't make the dinner. Nabiki then asks who then did. Ranma replies that he had his servents make it.