Sword of Destiny (Working Title) ---- Idea ---- ------- Setting ------- Ranma 1/2 ?????? Sailor Moon Post-Intro Outers ---------- Background ---------- The Sword of Destiny... Myths/Legends say that the Sword of Destiny was forged by the god of Destiny to curve out Existance from Chaos... or that it's the greatest run sword with the soul of the gods of Destiny and Fate within... Others claim that the Sword of Destiny isn't a sword, but Kami-sama's swiss army knife... They're all right... The Sword of Destiny has many shapes, but all shapes of a sword/knife. Each shape is a reflection of its user. Legend has it that Serenity the First, a warrior-mage, who used the Sword of Destiny to create the Silver Millennium. Prophecy said that as long as the Sword remains with the Serenitys, the Silver Millennium will stand tall. Each Princess Serenity, when she reaches puberty, was taken to the Sword's resting place and her hand with her Mother, the Queen, is placed on the Sword's hilt... This, FALSELY, it was believed, how the Sword knows the Serenity's... The Day after the Ball/Beryl's Attack was to be Princess Serenity/Usagi's turn to touch the Sword. So Usagi never touched the Sword. On the morning of Beryl's night attack, S.Uranus reports that the Sword literally upped and disappeared. The Sword reappears in the hands of the last noble of Silver Millennium that leds the survivors after the Fall... The Sword is used by Chalemane, Merlin, Arthur, 1st Chinese Emperor, 1st Amazon Elder, 1st Japanese Emperor, and such... (not sure of that order)... The Sword's last user was Kenshin Hiruma during the Bakumatsu as he Served as the Hitokiri Battousai ... At the end of the Bakumatsu, he left the Sword, vowed never to kill again, and became Rurouni. ----- Story ----- Time passes... Tatewaki Kuno finds the katana of the Patriot Battousai and believes with that righteous blade he will finally defeat the vile sorcerer Ranma, and free his loves... Kuno attacks Ranma... Ranma disarms Kuno and keeps the Sword... Much to Ranma's charign, he can not get rid of the Sword. He even can not leave it at home while he's at school. The Sword is always at his side. The following nights after Ranma gets the Sword, he starts to have nightmares of the Bakumatsu. Apparently, Ranma is Kenshin reborn... Thus, he remembers most of Kenshin's live and all of the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu. Now, Ranma has the Sword of Destiny... Or more correct, the Sword of Destiny has Ranma... Some time passes... Ranma has absorbed the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu, but is reluctent to use it, still he 'return' to the path of Hitokiri. He believes, correctly to a point, that all the chaos in his life, is an attempt to pay back the last of the bad karma that Hitokiri Battousai must pay. Realizing that Juuban isn't save for Youmas, a dozen decide to attack Nerima... As life-draining monsters, ki attacks actaull empower them. So "normal" Nerima Wrecking Crew tactics just slow the Youmas down. Until Ranma is forced to use the Sword and Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu... Ranma's battle against the dozen Youmas is televized to all over Tokyo. The Senshi watch the battle in fascination, since Ranma is doing better than they would, especially given the odds, 1 to 12, versus Senshi's odds, 5 to 2. While watching Haruka realizes that the sword that Ranma is using is the very same sword that she in the Silver Millennium was to guard... So afterwards, Haruka tries to get the Sword of Destiny back for her Princess. Michiru insists on going too. Setsuna learns of this, but says nothing in the vain hope that the reason why the Silver Millennium was lost was because Princess Serenity/Usagi never touched the Sword. Skthrt: oh boy... Skthrt: And Pluto finds out about the blade? Yep... Skthrt: and comes to "reclaim" it? And of course, S.Uranus believes she's the one that lost it in the first place... Pluto knows better... Skthrt: when in fact, the sword chose to leave right? Yes... as I said, the Sword has a mind of its own... And the myths/legends are all true... The kami of Destiny and Fate are within the sword... Pluto knows this... The Sword has actually warned Pluto ... :-) Skthrt: and she doesn't listen? But S.Uranus doesn't know anything save that she lost an important sword that Serenity Herself gave her to guard... Does Pluto ever listen? Maybe... Not sure... Any way, Ranma's life gets very interesting after getting the Sword... He tries to leave it behind... But the Sword is always with him... Skthrt: and he'll have to deal with Genma's bickering about carrying a weapon.... Haruka sees Ranma on the TV defending a bunch of students from the Sailor Moon Monste of the Week... Genma finds he can't say anything bad in the Sword's presence... Skthrt: heh Genma finds his great luck (that's how he's survived so long) has gone sour when were he's inthe Sword's presence... Skthrt signed off at 8:27:03 PM. Skthrt signed on at 8:27:23 PM. Skthrt: damn aohell You got kicked? Skthrt: yup Last thing I said was: Genma finds his great luck (that's how he's survived so long) has gone sour when were he's in the Sword's presence.. Skthrt: heh heh heh Skthrt: last thing I got was.... Skthrt: Genma finds he can't say anything bad in the Sword's presence... So S.Uranus attacks Ranma... She believes that Ranma was the archmage Silver Millennium cat-thief... She convinces the others that Ranma's the reason why the Silver Millennium fall... Pluto stays silent in the hope that Usagi could "reclaim" the Sword... Each Serenity, when she reaches puberty, was taken to the Sword's resting place and her hand is placed on the Sword's hilt... This, it was believed, how the Sword knows the Serenity's... Skthrt: *blinks* Usagi/Serenity never touched the Sword... Skthrt: Eddings? Yeah... Couldn't resist... It's false, by the way... Skthrt: heh Skthrt: But Pluto hopes otherwise, right? As I said, the Sword has the kami of Destiny and Fate within it... and their powers... Right... For the Record, The Silver Cystal is that way... Hence, why no one can touch it... least the Silver Crystal choose a new master... Uranus gets the Sword... Ranma doesn't want it... He's not a weak weapon users after all... Uranus presences the Sword to Usagi... Pluto gets a precog that if Usagi touches the Sword, she'll die. Pluto doesn't know the Future, only prophecies and precogs... Pluto's too late... Usagi touches the Sword and falls deadly ill... Rei does a Fire Reading for Mamoru and the Senshi... The Flames are silver and gold... (The Silver and Gold Crystals are helping).. The Seshni and Mamoru learn of the History of the Sword from the beginning of the Silver Millennium until now... although they don't know the connection between Kenshin and Ranma... The Senshi learn that Usagi will die unless they give the Sword back to Ranma... and that the Future depends on Ranma, not Usagi/Serenity... Usagi can be a Queen of Crystal Tokyo... and Endymion the King of the Earth (empty title)... But Ranma is the Heavenly Emperor... Of course, Ranma doesn't want the Sword... he's not a weapon-user, and he's not under its direct influence... And when Ranma learns its a magical sword... :-) Skthrt: He's even MORE distrustful of it Yep... And Usagi's life is dependent upon Ranma accepting the Sword back... Skthrt: which begs the question.... How far would Haruka go to save her princess....? Haruka was willing to kill her lover and teammates... Skthrt: *blinks* Skthrt: Only in the Anime.... I haven't seen that in the manga yet... Skthrt: In the Manga, she'd sacrifice everything to protect Michuru and Usagi Skthrt: another reason I don't like the anime Of course, what can Haruka to Ranma to get him to take the Sword back? Just putting it in Ranma's hands isn't enough... Skthrt: ... Skthrt: Zax... think about what I was saying VERY carefully Yeah... In the manga, P.S. killed herself after seeing P.E. dead... Huh? Skthrt: Just think about what I said about seeing how far Haruka would go to save Usagi... Skthrt: I'm sure your mind can figure out the rest And my point is... there isn't anything Haruka can do to convince Ranma to take the Sword back expect with words... begging... in other words... Skthrt: What would be the most humiliating and demeaning thing she could offer him to try and get him to take back the sword...? Begging... And it won't work... I think... Skthrt: take it a little fatrther Zax.... Huh? Skthrt: ... You're tired arent' you? Somewhat... Skthrt: Haruka, in order to try and save Usagi could offer..... Not sure about what the evil is... save that it's very ancient... very powerful... Skthrt: I did leave that blank there for you to try and fill yourself.... Huh? You mean sex? But this Ranma... The virgin with Shampoo and others throwing themselves at him... That was alien Ranma... alientate... Skthrt: I know, but she would probably offer it because of how desperate they were.... Maybe... It would backfire with Ranma... Skthrt: and it would be a bit different for Ranma, it wouldn't be someone trying to force themselves on him.... Skthrt: It might show him how much Usagi meant to her... Maybe... But I'm not sure Ranma even knows what 'pervert' means... or 'homosexuality' Skthrt: but the look of disgust on Haruka's face might help... and I'm pretty sure that Ranma would know what BOTH of those words mean