Eye of the World
by Robert Jordan
Chapter Highlights by Shaule Sachs
Book 1 in the Wheel of Time series.
HardCover: ISBN 0-312-85009-3, $24.95
SoftCover: ISBN 0-812-51181-6, $5.99 ($6.99 CAN)
Science Fiction Book Club: 195487, $13.98
Chapter Title
Prologue: Dragonmount
1. An Empty Road
- Icon: Wheel of time symbol
- First Appearance of Rand al'Thor
- First Appearance of Tam al'Thor
- First Mention of a Dark Rider.
- First Mention of Two Rivers, Emond's Field
- First Appearance of Matrim (Mat) Cauthon
- First Appearance of Nynaeve al'Meara
- Rand and Tam are going to Emond's Field for Winternight.
2. Strangers
- Icon: Ravens (?)
- Setting: Emond's Field in Two Rivers
- First Appearance of Haral Luhhan, Two River's Blacksmith
- First Appearance of Moiraine,
Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah
- First Appearance of Lan,
Warder to Moiraine
- First meeting of Moiraine and Rand and Mat
- Moiraine gives each of the boys a coin
3. The Peddler
4. The Gleeman
- Icon: Harp
- First Appearance of Thom Merrilin
- First meeting of Moiraine and Thom in the series
5. Winternight
- Icon: Tree
- Setting al'Thor's farm.
- First Appearance of Tam's sword
- Trolloc attack Two Rivers
- Tam injured in attack
6. The Westwood
- Icon: Sword
- Setting: Road to Emond's Field
- First mention of Kari al'Thor (dead for fifteen years)
- Rand carries Tam to Emond's Field
- Tam talks in his fever-induced sleep
7. Out of the Woods
- Icon: Tree
- Setting: Emond's Field
- Rand asks Moiraine to Heal Tan since Nynaeve can't with her herbs
8. A Place of Safety
- Icon: Herbs and a Root (?)
- Moiraine Heals Tam
- Rand shivers when Moiraine uses the
One Power
- Lan remarks about Tam's sword being heron-marked
- Moiraine tells Rand and his friends that he must leave the Two rivers.
9. Tellings of the Wheel
- Icon: Dragon's Fang
- First dream of Ba'alzamon
- The story of Manetheren's history
10. Leavingtaking
- Icon: Herbs and Root
- Egwene and Thom decide to join Moiraine, Lan, Rand, Mat, and Perrin
11. The Road to Taren Ferry
12. Across the Taren
- Icon: Flame of Tar Valon
- The ferry is loosen after Moiraine and Company use it.
- Moiraine begins to explain the One Power to Egwene
- Egwene says she is going to be an Aes Sedai
13. Choices
- Icon: Herbs and Root
- Setting: Baerlon
- Moiraine refreshes the group with the One Power
- Moiraine's horse is named Aldieb.
- Moiraine states '"Whatever the Dark One wants, I oppose, so hear this
know its true. Before I let the Dark One have you, I will destroy you
myself."' <EotW, Choices, p.162>
- Thom tells the Prophecies of the Dragon about the Stone of Tear and
the People of the Dragon.
14. The Stag and Lion
- Icon: Dragon's Fang
- First mention of Min.
- Another dream about Ba'alzamon and about history
15. Strangers and Friends
- Icon: Blazing Sun
- Min meets Rand for the first time.
- Min gives Rand a viewing.
- Rand meets Padan Fain.
- Rand has a fever and talks to the
- Both Mat and Perrin have similar dreams to Rand's dream where
Ba'alzamon names some false Dragons.
- Nynaeve joins the party.
16. The Wisdom
- Icon: Herbs
- Min tells Rand that Nynaeve is a part of it now too.
- Nynaeve said she followed their trail.
17. Watchers and Hunters
- Icon: Dragon's Fang
- Rand, Mat and Perrin dance with Moiraine and Nynaeve
- A Fade finds Rand
- Moiraine appears to grow huge.
18. The Caemlyn Road
- Icon: Trident, Trolloc Skull, Fist
- Moiraine calls Lan the last Lord of the Seven Towers.
- Lan suggest there that '"there is a place the Trollocs will not go"'
<EotW, The Caemlyn Road, p.235>
- Mat shouts: '"Carai an Caldazar!", "Carai an Ellisande!", and
"Al Ellisande!"'
< EotW, The Caemlyn Road, p.237 >
- Moiraine, using an angreal, causes a minor earthquake and a
wall of flame to keep the following Trollocs at bay.
- Moiraine says, '"The old blood stills sings."'
<EotW, The Caemlyn Road, p.242>
- Rand feels a tingle as Moiraine waves her staff over everyone.
- First Mention of
Shadar Logoth
19. Shadow's Waiting
- Icon: Ravens
- Setting: Shadar Logoth
- Mat explores the city with Rand and Perrin in tow.
- Rand, Mat, and Perrin meet Mordeth
- Mat grabs a rube-hilt dagger.
- Moiraine tells the history of Shadar Logoth
20. Dust on the Wind
- Icon: Tridet, Trolloc Skull, Fist
- The group splits up.
- The break down is ...
- Rand, Mat and Thom
- Perrin and Egwene
- Moiraine, Lan, and Nynaeve
- First Appearance of Captain Bayle Domon
- Rand remarks '"I should have tried harder"'
<EotW, Dust on the Wind, p.279>
21. Listen to the Wind
- Icon: Herbs and Root
- Moiraine and Lan talk about whats going on with Nynaeve overhearing
- Moiraine can detect Nynaeve is watching them since Nynaeve can
channel herself
<EotW, Listen to the Wind, p.284>
- Moiraine explains that be giving the boys the
coins it created a bond between her and the boys
that different than the bond between Aes Sedai and Warder.
22. A Path Chosen
- Icon: Tree
- Perrin and Egwene deciding to continue on
23. Wolfbrother
- Icon: Wolf
- Egwene uses the Power unsupervised
- First Appearance of Elyas
- Elyas talks about the Wolfbrothers
24. Flight Down the Arinelle
- Icon: Harp
- Setting: Boat, "The Spray"
- Rand has another Dream.
- Geld thinks Rand, Mat, and Perrin are DarkFriends.
- First mention of a "Metal Tower"
- First Mention of Coramoor
- First Mention of bone collection at Panarch's Place in Tanchico
- First Mention of lightsticks, razorlace, heartstone, and a
mountain that is hollowed into a bowl with a silver spike at its
center and anyone who comes within a mile of it dies.
- Captain Domon collects odd-things
- Rand climbs to the top of the mast and laughs while there
- Rand: '"What's happening to me? Light, what?"
"He had to find out. He had to get to Tar Valon before he really
did go mad."'
<EOTW, Flight Down the Arinelle, p.323 >
25. The Traveling People
- Icon: Herbs
- Perrin, Egwene, and Elyas
- Perrin starts to dream about
- They meet the Traveling People (Tinkers)
- First Appearance of Mahdi (Seeker) Raen and his wife, Ila.
- The Tinkers are seeking the Song.
- First Appearance of Aram
- First Mention and Explanation of the Way of the Leaf.
- First Mention of Far Dareis Mai (Maidens of the Spear).
- Trollocs call the Aiel Waste, Djevik K'Shar, Killing Ground.
- A Maiden tells the Seeker she meets,
'"Leafblighter means to blind
the Eye of the World, Lost One. He means to slay the
Great Serpent. Warn the
People, Lost One. Sightburner
comes. Tell them to stand ready for He Who Comes With The Dawn.
Tell the ... "'
<EOTW, The Traveling People, p.336>
- First Mention of "He Who Comes With The Dawn".
26. Whitebridge
- Icon: Harp
- Setting: Whitebridge
- Rand: 'They had to believe the others were alive. They had to.
Why? nagged a voice in the back of his head. So it will
all turn out like one of Thom's stories? The heroes find the treasure
and defeat the villian and live happily ever after? Some of his
stories don't end that way. Sometimes even heroes die. Are you a
hero, Rand al'Thor? Are you a hero, sheepherder?'
<EOTW, Whitebridge, p. 339>
- Rand: 'For an instant . . . it seemed to Rand that a shadow
rippled through the milk-white structure.'
<EOTW, Whitebridge, p. 340>
- News of Logain's capture in Logard.
- News of a new Hunt for the Horn
- Prophesy of the Horn of Valere ...
'"In the last, lorn fight
'gainst the fall of long night,
the mountains stand guard,
and the dead shall be ward,
for the grave is no bar to my call."'
- Two people are looking for three country boys.
- Gelb has benn in the
- Thom had a nephew, Owyn, who had trouble with
the Aes Sedei.
- Thom takes on the Fade and tells Rand and Mat to go
to a Inn called the Queen's Blessing.
27. Shelter From the Storm
- Icon: Herbs
- Perrin, Egwene, Elyas, and the Tinkers
- Elyas: ' [. . .] "Something," he said finally, with a shrug of his
shoulders as if he did not understand it completely himself.
"Something tells me it's important to wait. A few more days. I
don't get feelings like this often, but when I do, I've learned
to trust them. They've saved my life in the past. This time it's
different, somehow, but it's important. That's clear. You want to
run on, then run on. Not me."'
<EOTW, Shelter From the Storm, p.361>
- Perrin thinks '. . . What would Rand do? He knows about girls '
<EOTW, Shelter From the Storm, p. 363>
- Perrin thinks '. . . Elyas is right. They don't have to try to
convert you to the Way of the Leaf. It seeps into you.'
<EOTW, Shelter From the Storm, p. 364>
- Perrin dreams of wolves and Ba'alzamon.
- 'Perrin scrambled to his feet, raising the axe, but Ba'alzamon ignored
the weapon, concentrating on the wolf, instead. Flames danced where
his eyes should be. "Is this what you have to protect you? Well, I
have faced those before. Many times before."'
<EOTW, Shelter From the Storm, p. 366>
28. Footprints in Air
- Icon: Root and Herbs
- Nynaeve, Moiraine, and Lan
- Nynaeve: 'Sometimes, against her will, Nynaeve had found herself
thinking of what a Wisdom could do with the One Power, of
what she could do. Whenever she realized what was in her head,
though,a flash of anger burned it out. The Power was a filthy
thing. She would have nothing to do with it. Unless she had to.'
<EOTW, Footprints in Air, p. 371-372>
29. Eyes of Pity
- Icon: Wolf
- Elyas, Perrin, and Egwene
- Elyas spots some ravens (the Dark One's eyes).
- Perrin: 'What are you? Tainted, the Light blind me! Cursed!'
<EOTW, Eyes of Pity, p. 386>
- Elyas leads Perrin and Egwene into a stedding.
- Egwene: '"I fell . . . What is this place? I don't think I think it."'
<EOTW, Eyes of Pity, p. 388>
- Elyas: '"A stedding," Elyas roared. "You never listen to
stories? Of course, there hasn't been an Ogier here in three
thousand odd years, not since the Breaking of the World, but
its the stedding makes the Ogier, not the Ogier make
the stedding."'
<EOTW, Eyes of Pity, p.388>
- A huge statue of Artur Hawkwing once stood there but was destroyed
sometime during the
War of the Hundred Years.
30. Children of Shadow
- Icon: Blazing Sun
- Elyas, Perrin, and Egwene
- Elyas: '"You'll [Perrin] use it [axe], boy, and as long as you hate
using it, you will use it more wisely than most men would. Wait.
If ever you don;t hate it any longer, then will be the time to
throw it as far as you can and run the other way."'
<EOTW, Children of Shadow, p. 394>
- Perrin to Egwene: '"Dapple says they [the men on horseback that are
coming] smell wrong. It's . . . sort of the way a rabid dog
smells wrong."'
<EOTW, Children of Shadow, p. 395>
- Egwene: '"Why should they bother us?" she demanded. "We're supposed
to be safe here. It's supposed to be safe. Light, there has to
be some place safe."'
<EOTW, Children of Shadow, p. 395>
- The men who are coming on horseback are Children of the Light
better known as Whitecloaks.
- Hopper attacks the Whitecloaks.
- '. . . and the axe was a feather in his [Perrin] hands, one huge
wolf's tooth of steel.'
<EOTW, Children of Shadow, p. 399>
- Captain Bornhold is leading this group of whitecloaks to Caemlyn.
- Perrin: '"He [Child Byar] hate us even more, now," Perrin thought,
for hearing this. But why did he hate us in the first place?"'
<EOTW, Children of Shadow, p. 403>
- The Whitecloaks are holding Perrin and Egwene.
31. Play for Your Supper
- Icon: Sword
- Rand and Mat
- A farmer gave Rand a scarf to keep the dust away.
- Rand: 'Rand treasured the scarf. The list of kindnesses he made in
his mind in the days since Whitebridge was a short one and he
did not believe it would get much longer.'
<EOTW, Play for Your Supper, p. 409>
- Rand on noting Mats holding the dagger:
'Rand was no longer sure if it was to protect himself or to
protect the ruby-hilt dagger.'
<EOTW, Play for Your Supper, p. 409>
- Rand: 'It was coming on evening as they went through the village,
and he felt a pang of homesickness as lights appeared in the
windows. No matter what it looks like, a small voice
whispered in his mind, it isn't really home. Even if you go
into one of those houses Tam won't be there. If he was, could
you look him in the face? You know, now, don't you? Except for
the little things like where you come from and who you are. No
fever-dreams. He hunched his shoulders against taunting
laughter inside his head. You might as well stop, the
voice snickered. One place is as good as another when you
aren't from anywhere, and the Dark One has you marked.'
<EOTW, Play for Your Supper, p. 410-411>
- Rand and Mat stopped at Master Grinwell's farm who has a daughter
named Else.
- Rand on Else watching him: 'Perrin would know how to handle
this, he thought. He'd make some offhand comment, and
petty soon she'd be laughing at his jokes instead of mooing
around where her father can see. Only he could not think
of any offhand comment, or any jokes, either.'
<EOTW, Play for Your Supper, p. 415>
- Children seem to mellow Mat out from his parania.
- Master Grinwell suggests that Rand and Mat play for their suppers
and a room at inns.
- Rand and Mat began to play at the inns for room and board for the
night and get a ride from a farmer who was wither too drunk or
stayed too late the past night. Rand thought things were going
well until "But then they came to Four Kings." (p.417)
32. Four Kings in Shadow
- Icon: Dragon's Fang
- The Four Kings, the village name, was a stopover for merchant's
wagon trains and the like.
- The town was not kept up.
- A storm is approaching the town.
- Only "The Dancing Cartman" did not have entertain already. The
innkeeper is Saml Hake.
- Saml Hake on one of the serving maids talking: 'Without taking his eyes
off Rand and Mat, Hake casually backhanded her across the face. She
gave a surprised grunt and fell heavily to the unwashed floor; one
of the mugs broke, and the spilled wine washed rivulets in the dirt.
"You're docked for the wine and breakage. Get 'em fresh drinks. And
hurry. Men don't pay to wait while you laze around." His tone was as
offhand as the blow. None of the patrons looked up from their wine,
and the other serving maids kept their eyes averted.'
<EOTW, Four Kings in Shadow, p.420-421>
- Rand: 'Rand wished there was an inn in Four Kings they had not yet
tried. Since leaving Whitebridge he had met coolness, indifference,
and outright hostility, but nothing that gave him the sense of
unease that this man and this village did.'
<EOTW, Four Kings in Shadow, p.421>
- Hake has two bouncers.
- A mysterious man in a velvet cloak, who stood out in every way came,
into the inn well after dark. The serving maid and other customers
seemed uneasy around him. Both Rand and Mat think they know him,
- Rand upon realizing the stranger was a Whitebridge merchant who has
been traveling hard: 'A reason that sends him to half the inns
in town before he chooses the one where you are? A reason that
makes him look at you as if he's found what he's searching for?'
<EOTW, Four Kings in Shadow, p.426>
- Hake shows Rand and Mat to their room for the night and Rand and Mat
lock themselves in.
- The stranger, Howal Gode, tries to talk to them: '"I tire of this,"
Gode announced. "You will submit to my master -- to your master --
or you will be made to submit. That would not be pleasant for you.
The Great Lord of the Dark
rules death, and he can give life in death or death in life as he
chooses. Open this door. One way or another, your running is at
an end. Open it, I say!"'
<EOTW, Four Kings in Shadow, p.433>
- Rand upon hearing Mat saying "no way out!": 'The words seemed to drift
to Rand through wool stuffed in his ears. No way out.
Thunder muttered overhead, and was drowned in a slash of lightning.
Have to find a way out. Gode called to them, demanding,
appealing; the door slid another inch toward being open. A
way out!
'Light filled the room, flooding vision; the air roared and burned.
Rand felt himself picked up and dashed against the wall. He slid
down in a heap, ears ringing and every hair on his body trying
to stand on end. Dazed, he staggered to his feet. His knees wobbled,
and he put a hand against the wall to steady himself. He looked
around in amazement.
[The room is a mess and the wall and door were destroyed]
'One last shiver wracked Mat, and then he was still. "Lightning,
Rand. I was looking right at the window when it hit the bars.
Lightning. I can't see worth --" He broke off, squinting at the
aslant door, and his voice went sharp. "Where's Gode?"'
<EOTW, Four Kings in Shadow, p.434>
33. The Dark Waits
- Icon: Sword
- Rand and Mat
- Rand: 'It was easier than it had been an hour earlier. His arm felt
as if they might stretch instead of drawing him up, but it was
<EOTW, The Dark Waits, p.436>
- Rand and Mat got a ride with Hyam Kinch, a farmer.
- Rand has a dream about being in Four Kings but the town is
devoid of people. Ba'alzamon appears in the dream.
- Ba'alzamon to Rand: '"You see, youngling, you cannot hide from me
forever. One way or another I find you. What protects also makes
you vulnerable. One time you hide, the next you light a signal
fire. Come to me, youngling." He held out his hand to Rand. "If
my hounds must pull you down, they may not be gentle. They are
jealous of what you will be, once you have knelt at my feet. It
is your destiny. You belong to me."'
<EOTW, The Dark Waits, p.441>
- Alpert Mull gives Rand and Mat a ride.
- Rand and Mat stand at an inn owned by Rulan Allwine.
- A young Darkfriend, Paitr, joins them when they have their breakfast
to tell to them.
- Mat: '"But he said -- "
Rand: "I don't care." He was unsure which 'he' Mat meant, but it
changed nothing. "We're not going to lie down and let them take us."'
<EOTW, The Dark Waits, p.449>
- Rand: 'But he had seen a few things now, and suddenly he realized that
nothing would look the same to him when he got back home. If
you ever do.'
<EOTW, The Dark Waits, p.450>
- Rand: 'The queasiness in his stomach grew thicker. He dropped on a low
stool, holding his head in his hands. The kitchen felt cold. He
shivered. Steam filled the air; stoves and ovens crackled with heat.
His shivers became stronger, his teeth chattering. He wrapped his
arms around himself, but it did no good. His bones felt as if they
were freezing.'
<EOTW, The Dark Waits, p.451>
- Rand has a fever-dream. (p. 453 - 345)
- A woman, unknown Darkfriend, attacks Rand and Mat with a dagger that
blackens wood and cause smoke to raise from the wood. (p. 456)
- Rand and Mat get a ride out of town from Hyam Kinch, who either Rand
nor Mat or Kinch recognize each other.
34. The Last Village
- Icon: Trident, Trolloc Skull, Fist
- Rand and Mat
- Rand and Mat are traveling on the Caemlyn Road by foot.
- There are a bunch of young men and a few young women on the road as
well. They are going to Caemlyn to "see the (false) Dragon."
- Rand oversees and hears a conversion with Almen Bunt, a farmer,
and Raimon Holdwin, an innkeeper.
Holdwin about the stranger Bunt saw Holdwin talking to: '"He's from
Four Kings. Looking for a couple of thieves. Young men. They stole
a heron-mark sword from him."
[. . .]
"Darkfriends and followers of the false Dragon? And telling
wild stories, too? Getting up too lot for young fellows. You did
say they were young?" There was a sudden note of amusement in
Bunt's voice, but the innkeeper did not seem to notice.
"Yes. Not yet twenty. There's a reward -- a hundred crowns in gold --
for the two fo them." [. . .] "If they're the right ones, my . . .
my friend will pick them up once they're located."'
<EOTW, The Last Village, p.467>
- Rand and Mat get a ride to Caemlyn from Bunt.
- Bunt: '"Right. I'm a good Queen's man, and I'll stand against any who
try to harm her, but I'm right. You take the Lady Elayne and Lord
Gawyn, now. There's a change wouldn't harm anything, and might do
some good. Sure, I know we've always done it that way in Andor.
Send the Daughter-Heir off to Tar Valon to study with the Aes
Sedai, and the eldest son off to study with the Warders. I believe
in tradition, I do, but look what it got us last time. Luc dead in
the Blight before he was ever anointed First Prince of the Sword,
and Tigraine vanished -- run off or dead -- when it came time for
her to take the throne. Still troubling us, that.
"There's some saying that she's still alive, you know, that Morgase
isn't the rightful Queen. [. . .]"'
<EOTW, The Last Village, p.470>
- Rand dreamed of Tam and what Thom had said, '"The Queen is wed to the
land," Thom said as brightly colored balls danced in a circle,
"but the Dragon . . . the Dragon is one with the land, and the land
is one with the Dragon."'
<EOTW, The Last Village, p.471>
- Bunt, Rand, and Mat arrive at Caemlyn.
35. Caemlyn
- Icon: Caemlyn Lion
- Rand and Mat
- Both Rand and Mat are awed by Caemlyn.
- The Inner City and Palace of Caemlyn was built by the Ogier.
- Rand notes that other people's swords are rapped in red or white.
Rand buys a red cloth, the cheapest, to hide the heron-mark
on his sword.
- Rand, through directions, finds the inn Thom had said to go to.
The inn, Queen's Blessing, is owned by Basel Gill.
- Gill on Thom's death: '"I'll believe he's dead," the innkeeper said
slowly, "when I see his corpse."'
<EOTW, Caemlyn, p.482>
- Gill says that Thom was once a Court-Bard, known in every royal court
from Tear to Maradon.
- First Mention of Gareth Bryne, Captain-General of the Queen's Guard.
36. Web of the Pattern
- Icon: Herbs
- Rand and Mat
- Mat is staying in their and not going out.
- First Meeting of Loial, an young Ogier. He about Ninety years old.
- Loial left his stedding without permission.
- Loial to Rand when Rand says that Loial is Outside: '"For a time, Rand.
But I must go back eventually. This world is yours, yours and your
kind. The stedding are mine. There's too much hurly-burly
Outside. And so much is changed from what I read about."'
<EOTW, Web of the Pattern, p.494>
- Loial thinks that Rand is an Aielman.
- Rand tells Loial most of what has happen to him.
- Loial upon hearing Rand's story realizes that Rand is
ta'veren. Loial
lists Artur Hawkwing and Lews Therin (the Dragon) as other
- Loial wants to travel with Rand. To be with a ta'veren.
37. The Long Chase
- Icon: Blazing Sun
- Nynaeve, Lan, and Moiraine
- Nynaeve, Lan, and Moiraine sneak into the Whitecloak's camp where the
missing boy is located.
- Lan thinks Nynaeve can free the Whitecloaks' horse from their holding
to create a diversion to keep the Whitecloaks from following him.
Lan is puzzled that he was able to see two wolves that wanted him
to see them.
- Nynaeve finds Bela in the Whitecloaks' horse line and realizes that
Egwene must be a prisoner too.
- Nynaeve: '"Why did Moiraine tell me I can use the Power? Why couldn't
she leave me alone?"
[. . .]
'Desperately she wished for Moiraine not to wait on her return.
Whatever the Aes Sedai was going to do, let her do it now. Light,
make her do it now, before . . ."
Abruptly lightning shattered the night overhead, for a moment
obliterating darkness. [. . .]'
<EOTW, The Long Chase, p.505>
38. Rescue
- Icon: Flame of Tar Valon
- Perrin and Egwene
- Byar wants Perrin and Egwene killed in an "attempted" escape but Lan
comes to their rescue. Lan brings Perrin and Egwene to Moiraine.
- When Nynaeve does not return Lan starts to go after her until Moiraine
going him up short by saying, '"Remember your oaths, al'Lan
Mandragoran, Lord of the Seven Towers! What of the oath of a
Diademed Battle Lord of the Malkiere?"'
<EOTW, Rescue, p.514<
- Bela and Nynaeve soon come crashing into the site where they are.
- Dapple tells Perrin "One day again."
<EOTW, Rescue, p.515<
- Nynaeve and Moiraine notice that Perrin's eyes are now yellow.
- Lan to Perrin if he knew Elyas Machera: '"I knew him. He taught me
much, about the Blight, and about this." Lan touching his sword
hilt. "He was a Warder, before . . . before what happened. The
Red Ajah . . ." He glanced to where Moiraine was lying before
the fire."'
<EOTW, Rescue, p.518<
- Lan to Perrin after Perrin asks if the change is something the
Dark One did: '"Not in itself, no. Some believe it is, but they
are wrong, it was old and lost long before the Dark One was
found. But what of the chance involved, blacksmith? Sometimes
the Pattern has a randomness to it -- to our eyes, at least --
but what chance that you should meet a man who could guide you
in this thing, and you one could follow the guiding? The Pattern
is forming a Great Web, what some call the Lace of Ages, and you
lads are central to it. I don't think there is much chance left
in your lives, now. have you been chosen out, then? And if so,
by the Light, or by the the Shadow?"'
<EOTW, Rescue, p.519<
39. Weaving of the Web
- Icon: Caemlyn Lion
- Rand and Mat
- A half mad beggar is asking, by name, for Rand, Mat, and Perrin.
- Rand learns that red wrapping on a sword or a red armband or cockade
means support for the Queen while white means that person believes
that Queen Morgase and her involvement with Aes Sedai are to be
blamed for the problems in the Land.
- Rand decided to see the false Dragon from the the street when he
noticed the beggar and he run away from the beggar. He ended up
move towards the inner City to escape.
- Rand once he loses the beggar realizes he is in an alley with a wall
from which he could see the false Dragon from.
- '. . . Logain was a king in every inch of
him. The cage might was well not have been there. He held himself
erect, head high, and looked over the crowd as if they had come to
do him honor. [. . .] They howled at him, beyond words, a wave of
sheer animal hate and fear, and Logain threw back his head and
laughed as the Palace swallowed him.'
<EOTW, Weaving of the Web, p. 530>
- Rand: 'He was defeated, wasn't he? Light, he wouldn't be in
a bloody cage if he wasn't defeated.'
<EOTW, Weaving of the Web, p. 530>
- Upon hearing a girl, who was in the tree near the wall, answer his
wonderment that he spoke aloud, Rand fall backwards off the wall.
40. The Web Tightens
- Icon: Flame of Tar Valon
- Rand and Mat
- Rand has a quick dream of sitting at a table with both Logain and
Moiraine where neither realizes the other is there. Moiraine
and Logain vanish to be replaced by Ba'alzamon. At which point
Rand fast wakes up and remember himself fall off the wall.
- Rand about the girl in the tree: 'There was a self-possession about
her that made him think of Nynaeve, or Moiraine.'
<EOTW, The Web Tightens, p. 533>
- Rand meets Elayne and Gawyn for the first time.
- Elayne attends to Rand scrapes.
- Rand on being told who Elayne's mother is: 'Don't attract any
attention. Just fall into the Queen's garden and let the Daughter-
Heir tend your cuts like a hedge-doctor. He wanted to laugh,
and knew it for the fringes of panic.'
<EOTW, The Web Tightens, p. 536>
- Gawyn on hearing that that Rand is from the Two Rivers: '. . . "It's
said Two Rivers people are stubborn. They can be led, if they think
you are worthy, but the harder you try to push them, the harder
they dig in. Elayne ought to choose her husband from there. It'll
take a man with a will like stone to keep from being trampled by
Rand stared at him. Elayne was staring, too. Gawyn looked as much
under control as ever, but he was babbling. Why?'
<EOTW, The Web Tightens, p. 537>
- First Appearance of Galad
- Gawyn about Galad: '"Galad always does the right thing," Gawyn
explained, "even when he should not."'
<EOTW, The Web Tightens, p. 539>
- Elayne: '"Galad does not lie."
"Sometimes I wish he would," Gawyn said softly, for Rand's ear.
"Just once. It might make living with him easier."'
<EOTW, The Web Tightens, p. 540>
- Rand is taken before Queen Morgase, Captain-General Gareth Bryne, and
Elaida, an Aes Sedai of the Red
- Rand: 'He had sometimes thought of Moiraine as steel covered with
velvet; with Elaida the velvet was only an illusion.'
<EOTW, The Web Tightens, p. 546>
- '"Surely," Morgase said, her voice level, "he is too young to have
earned a heron-mark blade. He cannot be any older than Gawyn."
"It belongs with him," Gareth Bryne said.
The Queen looked at him in surprise. "How can that be?"
"I don't know, Morgase," Bryne said slowly. "He is too
young, yet still it belongs with him, and he with it. Look at his
eyes. Look how he stands, how the sword fits him, and he it. He
is too young, but the sword is his."'
<EOTW, The Web Tightens, p. 548>
- '"This I Foretell," Elaida replied, "and swear under the Light that I
can say no clearer. From this day Andor marches toward pain and
division. The Shadow has yet to darken to its blackest, and I can
not see if the Light will come after. Where the world had wept one
tear, it will weep thousands. This I Foretell."
A pall of silence clung to the room, broken only by Morgase expelling
her breath as if it were her last.
Elaida continued to share into Rand's eyes. She spoke again, barely
moving her lips, so softly that he could barely hear her less than
an arm's length away. "This, too, I Foretell. Pain and division come
to the whole world, and this man stands at the heart of it. I obey
the Queen," she whispered, "and speak it clearly."'
<EOTW, The Web Tightens, p. 549>
- Morgase, in her youth, has heard Two Rivers speech which Rand speaks.
- '"If I had told Mother I think you are handsome, she certainly would
have had you locked in a cell," Elayne favored him with a dazzling
smile. "Fare you well, Rand al'Thor."'
<EOTW, The Web Tightens, p. 552>
- '"Wrap a shoufa around your
head, Rand, and you would be the image of an Aielman. Odd, since
Mother seems to think you sound like a Two Rivers man, at
least. I wish we could have come to know another, Rand al'Thor. Fare
you well."
<EOTW, The Web Tightens, p. 552>
41. Old Friends and New Threats
- Icon: Root and Herbs
- Rand, Loial, and Master Gill
- Rand tells Loial and Master Gill want happen to him at the Palace.
- Whitecloaks come into the inn looking for '. . ."Darkfriends, a boy from
the Two Rivers --"
<EOTW, Old Friends and New Threats, p. 558>
- Moiraine, Nynaeve, Egwene, Perrin, and Lan arrive at the Inn.
- Perrin avoids looking Rand in the eyes.
- Rand leads Nynaeve, Egwene, and Perrin to Mat, who sick.
- Moiraine recognizes the taint of Shadar Logoth on Mat.
- Moiraine, with her angreal, hopes to heal Mat.
42. Remembrance of Dreams
- Icon: Ravens
- Rand, Perrin, Loial, Nynaeve, and Egwene
- Rand introduces Perrin, Nynaeve, and Egwene to Loial
- Mat, Moiraine, and Lan join the others
- Moiraine has contained the taint "after a fashion" but cannot, alone
heal Mat.
- Loial has a "scrape" of the
Treesinging talent.
- Loial tells Moiraine about a strange man who came to the stedding
twenty years ago and warned the Ogier that "the Dark One intended to
blind the Eye of the World, and slay the Great Serpent, kill time
<EOTW, Remembrance of Dreams, p. 574>
- Perrin tells Moiraine about a similar story
that he heard from the thinkers from three years ago.
- Perrin, Rand, and Mat tell Moiraine about their dreams that include
Ba'alzamon in them.
- '"They are all ta'veren," Loial said abruptly.
[. . .]
"So they are," Moiraine said. "Three of them, when I expected
one. A great many things have happened that I didn't expect."'
<EOTW, Remembrance of Dreams, p. 577>
- Moiraine feels that the
Green Man must be informed
of the danger.
- Moiraine: '"The Pattern presents a crisis, and at the same time away
to surmount it. If I did not know it was impossible, I could almost
believe the Creator is taking a hand. There is a way." She smiled
as if at a private joke . . .'
<EOTW, Remembrance of Dreams, p. 578>
- Moiraine wants Loial to lead the way to Far Dala through the Ways.
43. Decisions and Apparitions
- Icon: Dragon's Fang
- Moiraine, Loial, Rand, Mat, Perrin, Nynaeve, Lan, and Egwene
- Loial tells the Two Rivers People the history of the Ways.
- Moiraine: '"Humankind and Ogier, everything that lives, we are at war,
with the Dark One," Moiraine said. "The greater part of the world
does not even know it yet, and most of the few who do fight
skirmishes and believe they are battles. While the world refuses to
believe, the Dark One may be at the brink of victory. There is
enough power in the Eye of the World to undo his prison. If the Dark
One has found some way to bend the Eye of the World to his use . . ."'
<EOTW, Decisions and Apparitions, p.582>
- '"What can we do?" Mat burst out. "Why are we so important? Why do we
have to go to the Blight? The Blight!"
Moiraine did not raise her voice, but it filled the room, compelling.
Her chair by the fire suddenly seemed like a throne. Suddenly even
Morgase would have paled in her presence. "One thing we can do. We
can try. What seems like chance is often the Pattern, Three threads
have come together here, each giving warning: the Eye. It cannot be
chance; it is the Pattern. You three did not choose, you were chosen
by the Pattern. And you are here, where the danger is known. You can
step aside, and perhaps doom the world. Running, hiding, will not
save you from the weaving of the Pattern. Or you can try. You can
go to the Eye of the World, three ta'veren, three centerpoints
of the Web, placed where the danger lies. Let the Pattern be woven
around you there, and you may save the world from the Shadow. The
choice is yours. I cannot make you go."'
<EOTW, Decisions and Apparitions, p.582>
- Rand, Perrin, and Mat agree to go.
- '"I suppose there isn't any choice for Egwene or me, either," Nynaeve
Moiraine nodded. "You are part of the Pattern, too, both of you, in
some fashion. Perhaps not ta'veren -- perhaps -- but strong
even so. I have known it since Baerlon. And bo doubt by this time
the Fades know it, too. And Ba'alzamon. Yet you have as much choice
as the young men, You could remain here, proceed to Tar Valon once
the rest of us have gone."'
<EOTW, Decisions and Apparitions, p.583>
- Moiraine plans on leaving at daybreak.
- Rand has another dream with Ba'alzamon in it.
- Ba'alzamon to Rand: '"You worm, you know nothing at all. As ignorant
as a beetle under a rock, and as easily crushed. This struggle has
gone on since the moment of creation. Always men think it a new
war, but it is just the same war discovered anew. Only now change
blows on the winds of time. Change. This time there will be no
drifting back." [. . .]'
<EOTW, Decisions and Apparitions, p.587>
- Moiraine: '"Hurry," she said softly. "Time grows very short."
Rand: '"He knew she was not speaking of the time for their leaving
<EOTW, Decisions and Apparitions, p.590>
44. The Dark Along the Ways
- Icon: Herbs
- Rand, Moiraine, Lan, Nynaeve, Egwene, Loial, Perrin, and Mat
- They are leaving the Inn to go use the Ways.
- Loial on the fact that they are not using any light: '"We don't go
running about in the dark in the stedding. I'm an Ogier,
not a cat." Rand had a sudden image of Loial's tufted ears
twitching irritably.'
<EOTW, The Dark Along the Ways, p.592>
- Master Gill, the innkeeper, show them a way out of the stables without
Whitecloaks and white cockades see them leave.
- Loial can feel a Waygate and know which direction it is in.
- The Waygate in Caemlyn is ina basement of a shop.
- Moiraine: '"The leaf of the Tree of Life is the key."' to the Waygate.
- The Ways are dark and forbiddening.
- They carry laterns into the Ways so they can see.
- In the Ways there are Guiding, tall slabs of stone with Ogier script
written on them that tell one where to go to get to where they
wish to go.
45. What Follows in Shadow
- Icon: Dragon's Fang
- Perrin, when the trail they are folowing can't go any further:
'"There has to be a way," Perrin said, his voice flat. His eyes
seemed to gather the light, to glow golden. A wolf at bay,
Rand thought, startled. That's what he looks like.
<EOTW, What Follows in Shadow, p. 604>
- Moiraine to Nynaeve: 'The Aes Sedai rubbed her fingers against her
palms distastefully. "You feel the taint, the corruption of the
Power that made the Ways. I will not use the One Power in the Ways
unless I must. The taint is so strong that whatever I tried to do
would surely be corrupted."'
<EOTW, What Follows in Shadow, p. 606>
- 'Not long after the last crumb was licked off a finger, Lan said
quietly, "Someone is following us. Or something." . . .'
<EOTW,What Follows in Shadow The Dark Along the Ways, p. 608>
- Loial: '"I knew I shouldn't have done this," Loial muttered. "Never
deal with an Aes Sedai except in a stedding."'
[. . .]
'"That's the only place they're safe," the Ogier went on.'
<EOTW, What Follows in Shadow, p. 608>
- Moiraine, upon seeing Trolloc script on the Guiding, realizes that
the Trollocs and Fades have been using the Ways to get pass the
Borders undetected.
- The bridge that goes to Tar Valon is found destroyed with Trolloc
bodies around, suggesting that the Ways are guarded somewhat
against Shadow-spawn use.
- Rand feels a wind where there are no winds. Loial realizes thats is
in fact Machin Shin, the Balck Wind.
46. Fal Dara
- Icon: Tree
- Rand, Loial, Nynaeve, Egwene, Perrin, Mat, Lan, and Moiraine
- '"Shienar," Lan told them. "We're in the Borderlands." In his hard
voice was a note that said home, almost.'
<EOTW, Fal Dara, p. 617>
- 'Lan tossed back the hood of his cloak and, despite the cold, motioned
for the others ro do the same. Moiraine had already lowered hers.
"It's the law in Shienar," the Warder said. "In all the Borderlands.
No one may hide his face inside a town's walls."
"Are they all that good-looking?" Mat laughed.
"A Halfman can't hide with his face exposed," the Warder said in a
flat voice.'
<EOTW, Fal Dara, p. 621>
- Lan is a Dai Shan, a Diademed Battle Lord of Malkier, and the Golden
Crane in flight is the sign of Malkier.
- The Lord of Fal Dara is Agelmar.
- There is a massive gathering of teh Trolloc Armies north of Shienar.
- 'Rand abruptly realized the Lord of Fal Dara assumed it was Nynaeve
and Egwene who with Moiraine would fight against the Dark One. It
was natural. That sort of struggle meant using the One Power, and
that meant women. That sort of struggle means using the
Power. He tucked his thumbs behind his sword belt and gripped
the buckle hard to keep his hands from shaking.'
<EOTW, Fal Dara, p. 627>
- '"Need is the key," Moiraine said softly, "and there can be no greater
need than mine. Than ours. And I have something those other seekers
have not."
Her eye barely stirred from Agelmar's face, but Rand was sure they
had drifted toward Loial, just for an instant before the Aes Sedai
pulled them back. Rand met the Ogier's eyes, and Loial shrugged.
"Ta'veren," the Ogier said softly.
<EOTW, Fal Dara, p. 627>
- Agelmar to Mat's comment on a song called "Coming Home from Tarwin's
Gap": '"Little wonder. Few lands have not sent men to held back
the Blight over the years."'
<EOTW, Fal Dara, p. 627>
- A stranger attempted to enter Fal Dara but was captured.
- The stranger turns out to be Padan Fain, the peddler in Emond's Field,
and the begger in Caemlym. Padan Fain is a Darkfriend.
- '"Darkfriends know neither border nor blood," Moiraine said. "They are
found in every land, and are of none." . . .'
<EOTW, Fal Dara, p. 630>
- Moiraine about Padan Fain: '" I am afraid he is more than a peddler,
Lord Agelmar," Moiraine said. "Less than human, worse than vile,
more dangerous than you can image." . . .'
<EOTW, Fal Dara, p. 632>
47. More Tales of the Wheel
- Icon: Ravens
- Rand, Mat, Perrin, Agelmar, Egwene, Loial, and Nynaeve
- Agelamar about Lan: "Lord of the Seven Towers," Agelmar said with a
frown. "An ancient title, Lady Egwene. Not even the High Lords of
Tear have older, though the Queen of Andor comes close." He heaved
a sigh, and shook his head. "He will not speak of it, yet the
story is well known along the Border. He is a king, or should have
been, al'Lan Mandragoran. Lord of the Seven Towers, Lord of the
Lakes, crownless King of the Malkierei." [. . .] "We of Shienar
call ourselves Bordermen, but fewer than fifty years ago, Shienar
was not truly of the Borderlands. North of us, and of Arafel, was
Malkieri. The lances of Shienar rode north, but it was Malkieri
that held back the Blight." [. . .]'
<EOTW, More Tales of the Wheel, p. 634>
- Agelmar relates the final days of Malkier to the group on pages
635 through 636.
- The ancient oath of Malkieri' Kings and Queens: '"To stand against the
Shadow so long as iron is hard and stone abides. To defend the
Malkieri while one drop of blood remains. To avenge what cannot be
<EOTW, More Tales of the Wheel, p. 636>
- Moiraine after interigating Fain: '"Three years, this summer. As far
back as that. The Light surely favors us, else the Father of Lies
would have triumphed while I still sat planning in Tar Valon.
Three years, Fain has been hunting you for the Dark One."'
<EOTW, More Tales of the Wheel, p. 638>
- Fain has been touched by Ba'alzamon, the Dark One, Mashador, and the
Black Wind.
- '"The old blood," Moiraine, "split out like a river breaking into a
thousand streams, but sometimes streams join together to make a
river again. The old blood of Manetheran's strong and pure in
almost all these young men. Can you doubt the strength of
Manethern's blood, Lord Agelmar."
Rand glanced sideways at the Aes Sedai. Almost all. He
risked a look at Nynaeve; she had turned back to watch as well as
listen, though she still avoided looking at Lan. He caught the
Wisdom's eye. She shook her head; she had not told the Aes Sedai
that he was not Two Rivers born. What does Moiraine know?"
"Manetheren," Agelmar said slowly, nodding. "I would not doubt
that blood." Then, more giddy, "The Wheel brings strange times.
Farmboys carry the honor of Manetheren into the Blight, yet if
any blood can strike a fell blow at the Dark One, it would be
the blood of Manetheren. It shall be done as you wish, Aes Sedai."'
<EOTW, More Tales of the Wheel, p. 643-644>
48. The Blight
- Icon: Twisted Tree
- Lan, Ingtar, Agelmar, Rand, Perrin, Mat, Loial, Nynaeve, Egwene,
and Moiraine
- Ingtar will be excorts them out of Fal Dara into the Blight and
he will miss most of the fighting at Tarwin's Gap.
- '"Are you truly that eager?" Nynaeve asked. "To fight Trollocs?"
Ingtar gave her a puzzled look, then glanced at Lan as if the
Warder might explain. "That is what I do, Lady," he said slowly.
"That is why I am." [. . .]'
<EOTW, The Blight, p. 647>
- '"What a strange thing to say," Egwene said. "Why do they use it
like that? Peace."
"When you have never known a thing, except to dream," Lan replied,
heeling Mandarb forward, "it becomes more than a talisman."'
<EOTW, The Blight, p. 647>
- Since it's questionable the Human army will prevail against the Trolloc
army, the civilians of Fal Dara are being moved south.
- They go through the Malkieri Gate to leave Fal Dara.
- 'Nynaeve shook her head, frowning as if listening to the wind. "It
feels wrong."
Rand nodded. he could feel it, too, though he could not say what
it was exactly he was feeling. The wrongness went beyond the first
warmth he could remember out of doors. This year, it was more than
the simple fact that it should not be so warm this far north. It
must be the Blight, but the land was the same.'
<EOTW, The Blight, p. 648>
- Moiraine plans to camp for the night in a place that will be a good
- Moiraineset guarding wards arounf the camp and uses the Power that
creates "a bending, so any eye looking at us sees around us,
<EOTW, The Blight, p. 653>
- Lan and Nynaeve talk about marriage and love. Lan stops the conversion
with the fact "No woman deserves the sure knowledge of widow's
black as her brideprice."
<EOTW, The Blight, p. 655>
49. The Dark One Stirs
- Icon: Twisted Tree
- Rand, Nynaeve, Lan, Egwene, Moiraine, Mat, Perrin, and Loial
- Nynaeve and Egwene feels a shiver and realize its because Moiraine
is channeling.
- They encounter some of the denitizens of the Blight.
- Mat shouts: "Carai an Caldazor!", "Carai an Ellisande!", "Al
Ellisande!", "Mordero daghain pas duente cuebiyar!" "Al Ellisande"
<EOTW, The Dark One Stirs, p. 660>
- By using the Power, Moiraine lights signal fires that the Halfmen
can see.
- 'Clinging to his saddle with a death grip, Rand shrugged, trying to
loosen the tightness in his shoulders. His whole chest felt
tight, until he could hardly breathe, and his skin stung in hot
pinpricks. The Blight had turned to foothills. He can see the
route they must climb once they reached the mountains, the
twisting path and the high pass beyond, like an axe blow cleaving
into the black stone. Light, what's up ahead that can scare
what's behind? Light help me. I've never been so afraid. I don't
want to go any further. No further! Seeking the flame and
the void, he railed at himself. Fool! You frightened, cowardly
fool! You can't stay here, and you can't go back. Are you going to
leave Egwene to face it alone? The void eluded him, forming,
then shivering into a thousand points of light, re-forming and
shattering again, each point burning into his bones until he
quivered with the pain and thought he must burst open. Light
help me, I can't go on. Light help me.
He was gathering the bay's reins to turn back to face the Worms
or anything rather than what lay ahead, when the nature of the
land changed. Between one slope of a hill and the next, between
crest and peak, the Blight was gone.'
<EOTW, The Dark One Stirs, p. 662>
- '"This place," said a deep voice from the trees, "is always where
it is. All that changes is where those who need it are."
<EOTW, The Dark One Stirs, p. 663>
- The deep voice belongs to the Green Man.
- The Green Man next to Loial makes Loial appears like a boy next to
a full grown man.
- The Green Manknows about Wolfbrothers and calls Rand a "Child of
the Dragon."
- The Green Man: ' [. . .] "How have you come here?"
"Need," Moiraine replied. "My need, the world's need. Most of all
is the world's need. We have come to see the Eye."
The Green Man sighed, the wind sighing through thick-leafed
branches. "Then it has come again. That memory remains whole. The
Dark One stirs. I have feared it. Every turning of years, the
Blight strives harder to come inside, and this turn the struggle
to keep it out has been greater than ever since the beginning.
Come, I will take you."
<EOTW, The Dark One Stirs, p. 664>
50. Meetings at the Eye
- Icon: Herbs
- Rand, Green Man, Perrin, Mat, Egwene, Nynaeve, Moiraine, and Lan
- Above the cave that leads to the Eye there is a circle halved by a
sinuous line, the ancient symbol of the Aes Sedai.
- When asked about Avendesora, the Tree of Life: 'The Green
Man gave Rand an odd look, then shook his head. "Avendesora
is not here. I have not rested beneath its ungentle branches in
two thousands years."'
<EOTW, Meetings at the Eye, p.667>
- The Green Man about the Eye: ' . . . "A hundred of them made it, men
and women together. The greatest Aes Sedai works were always done
so, joining Saidin and Saidar, as the True Source
is joined. They died, all, to make it pure, while the world was
torn around them. Knowing they would die, they charged me to
guard it against the need to come." . . .'
<EOTW, Meetings at the Eye, p.667>
- All but the Green Man go into the cave.
- Moiraine about the Eye: '"It might be called the essence of
Saidin." The Aes Sedai words echoed round the dome. "The
essence of the male half of the True Source, the pure essence of
the Power welded by men before the Time of Madness. The Power to
mend the seal of the Dark One's prison, or to break it open
<EOTW, Meetings at the Eye, p.669>
- '"I always wondered," Loial said uneasily. "When I read about it, I
always wondered what is was. Why? Why did they do it? And how?"
"No one living knows." Moiraine no longer looked at the pool.
She was watching Rand and his two friends, studying them, her eyes
weighing. "Neither the how, nor more of the why than that it would
be needed one day, and that that need would be the greatest and
most desperate the world had faced to that time. Perhaps ever
would face.
"Many in Tar Valon have attempted to find a way to use this Power,
but it is as untouchable for any woman as the moon is for a cat.
Only a man could channel it, but the last male Aes Sedai is nearly
three thousands years gone. Yet the need they saw was a desperate
one. They worked through the taint of the Dark One on Saidin
to make it, and make it pure, knowing that doing so would kill them
all. Male Aes Sedai and female together. The Green Man spoke true.
The greatest wonders of the Age of Legends were done that way,
Saidin and Saidar together. All the women in Tar
Valon, all the Aes Sedai in all the courts and cities, even with
those in the lands beyond the Waste, even counting those who may
still live in the lands beyond the Aryth Ocean, could not fill a
spoon with the Power, lacking men to work with them."'
<EOTW, Meetings at the Eye, p.669>
- Two stranger appear and say that Mat lead them there. One of the
strangers says about Mat: "An old thing, an old friend, an old
enemy. But he is not the one we seek."
<EOTW, Meetings at the Eye, p.670>
- The two strangers are Aginor and Balthamel of the Forsaken. Aginor
appears as a very, very old man and Balthamel appears skeltonal.
- '"The Forsaken," Mat said hoarsely, "are bound in Shayol Gaul --"
"Were bound," Aginor smiled; his yellowed teeth had the look of
fangs. "Some of us are bound no longer. The seals weaken, Aes
Sedai. Like Ishamael, we walk the world again, and soon the rest
of us will come. I was too close to this world in my captivity,
I and Balthamel, too close ro the grinding of the Wheel, but soon
the Great Lord of the Dark will be free, and give us new flesh,
and the world will be ours once more. You will have no Lews Therin
Kinslayer, this time. No Lord of the Morning to save you. We know
the one we seek now, and there is no more need for the rest of
<EOTW, Meetings at the Eye, p.671>
- The Green Man attacks the Forsaken but is only fatally wounded.
- Moiraine tries to stand up to the Forsaken and tells the others to run.
51. Against the Shadow
- Icon: Sword
- Rand, Aginor, and Ba'alzamon
- Rand see a huge white chord that connects Aginor to something that he
knows is not really there. A sliver of the chord reaches out to
Rand and instead of burning Rand up like he thought he it would
it just gives him a warm feeling. Rand 'wrestles' the chord away
from Aginor.
- Rand closes his eyes as he wrestles with Aginor and thinks away
and finds himself in Tarwin's Gap at the tail end of a battle with
both sides retreating to regroup.
- Rand with the Power reduces the Trolloc army to no more than twice
the human army in numbers and the Trolloc army in chaos. p.679
'It was not Rand's thought making his skull vibrate.
<EOTW, Against the Shadow, p.680>
- Rand confronts Ba'alzamon.
- Ba'alzamon tries to use Nynaeve, Egwene, and his mother, Kari al'Thor
as incentives to surrender.
- Rand notices that Ba'alzamon has a huge black chord attached to him
like the huge white chord attached to himself. He, with a sword
of Light, cuts Ba'alzamon chord and strikes at Ba'alzamon's heart.
Ba'alzamon withers like a leaf.
52. There is Neither Beginning Nor Ending
- Icon: Herbs
- Rand, Moiraine, Egwene, Nynaeve, Lan, Perrin, Mat, and Loial
- Rand awakes after battling Ba'alzamon, who Rand thinks he's killed,
near Aginor's remains.
- '"I had suspicious from the first," Moiraine said. "Suspicions are
not proof, though. After I gave you the token, the
coin, and made that bonding, you should
have been willing to fall in with whatever I wanted, but you
resisted, questioned. That told me something, but not enough.
Manetheren blood was always stubborn, and more so after Aemon
died and Eldrene's heart was shattered. Then there was Bela."
"Bela?" he said. Nothing makes any difference.
The Aes Sedai nodded. "At Watch Hill, Bela had no need of me to
cleanse her of tireness; someone had
already done it. She could have outrun Mandarb that night. I
should have thought of who Bela carried. With Trollocs on our
heels, a Draghkar overhead, and a Halfman the Light alone knew
where, how you must have feared that Egwene would be left behind.
You needed something more that you had ever needed anything before
in your life, and you reached out to the one thing that could
give it to you. Saidin."'
<EOTW, There is Neither Beginning Nor Ending,
- Rand to Moiraine: '"You can teach me. Surely, you --" He stopped when
the Aes Sedai shook her head.
"Can a cat teach a dog to climb trees, Rand? Can a fish teach a
bird to swim? I know Saidar, but I can teach you nothing
of Saidin. Those who could are three thousands years dead.
Perhaps yu are stubborn enough tough. Perhaps your will is strong
<EOTW, There is Neither Beginning Nor Ending,
- Left in the Eye is a chest with, a heartstone (one of the seven seals
of the Dark One's prison) broken, the Horn of Valere, and the
Banner of the Dragon.
53. The Wheel Turns
- Icon: Wheel of Time
- Rand, Moiraine, Egwene, Nynaeve, Lan, Perrin, Mat, and Loial
- Moiraine is tired and Lan has her traveling in a litter.
- Loial uses his Treesinging ability to keep the tree that the
Green Man became from falling to the Blight.
- Nynaeve and Egwene help Moiraine set up wards when they camp
for the night on the way back to Fal Dara.
- 'Randsaw Mat and Perrin staring, and wondered how they could
be surprised. Every woman is an Aes Sedai, he
thought mirthlessly. The Light help me, so am I.
Bleakness held his tongue.'
<EOTW, The Wheel Turns, p.696>
- '"A miracle," Agelmar said, shaking his head, "but . . .
Moiraine Sedai, men say many things about what happened in
the Gap. That the Light took on flesh and fought for us.
That the Creator walked in the Gap to strike at the Shadow.
But I saw a man, Moiraine Sedai. I saw a man, and what he did,
cannot be, must not be."
"The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills, Lord of Fal Dara."
<EOTW, The Wheel Turns, p.698>
- Moiraine shows Agelmar the Horn of Valere.
- Rand thinks about leaving to go someplace away from breakable
thing, such as people, mountains, and the World.
- Moiraine still weak uses her blue gem to focus the Power with
to eavedrop of Rand and Egwene converasion about Rand's
leaving and says: "The Prophecies will be fulfilled," the
Aes Sedai whispered, "The Dragon is Reborn."
Warning: Glossary is updated up to Fire of Heavens.
Please email any suggestions, questions, or comments to the address
Last Change: Aug 6, 1995, 6:48pm CDT
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